State Budget Planning and Budgeting

State Budget Planning and Budgeting
Economic growth,
Nominal gross domestic product,
Y-o-y inflation,
The average SPN interest rate is 3 months,
The exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar,
Oil price (USD / barrel),
Oil production / lifting (MBPD),
Gas Lifting (MBOEPD),

Other indicators:
Of the population
From income per capita
From poverty level
From the unemployment rate

APBN cycle
The Budget Cycle (APBN) is a series of activities in the budgeting process starting when the unified state budget follows up on budget calculations authorized by law. There are 5 main stages in the budget cycle in Indonesia.
Of the five phases, phases 2 (second) and 5 (five) are not by the government, namely the determination of each phase / budget approval carried out by Parliament (legislative), and the fifth phase and accountability of audits carried out by the Supreme Audit Board (BPK). While the other phase is carried out by the government. The stages of the budget cycle activities are as follows:

State Budget Planning and Budgeting
This stage was carried out in the previous year by implementing a budget (APBN) for example: for the 2014 state budget which was carried out in 2013, which included two activities, such as planning and budgeting. From the planning stage:

Formulation of policy directions and national development priorities
Ministry of State / Institution (K / L) to evaluate the implementation of programs and activities in the current year, planning new initiatives and indicative budget needs.
The Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance evaluate the implementation of ongoing programs and activities and review proposed new initiatives based on development priorities and fulfill the indications of feasibility and efficiency of the analysis.
APBN Determination / Approval
Budget determination / approval activities are carried out in phase-1, around October to December. The activity in this phase is the discussion of the draft budget and the draft budget law, and adoption by Parliament. Furthermore, based on the approval of the DPR, the draft APBN Law is determined to be the APBN Law. The determination of the APBN Law is followed by the establishment of a Presidential Decree on the detailed budget as an attachment to the APBN Law.

State Budget Implementation
If in phases 1 and 2 carried out in t-1 APBN, APBN implementation activities are held from 1 January to 31 December in the current year (APBN t). In other words, the implementation of the 2014 fiscal year will be carried out from 1 January 2014-31 December 2014. The activities of the budget implementation by the government in this case are ministries / agencies (K / L).

APBN Reporting and Recording
Budget reporting and recording stages are held in conjunction with the budget implementation phase, January 1 - December 31. Government financial reports are produced by the accounting process, and are presented in accordance with government accounting standards consisting of Budget Realization Reports (LRA), Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Reports, and notes to financial statements.
The Business Entity is defined as a structured organization in managing the factors of production for profit. Another understanding Business entities in the book Competent Economy are juridical and economic entities that use factors of production to produce goods and services with the aim of making a profit.
Whereas the Company is an activity unit that carries out the management of production factors to provide goods and services for the community, distribute them, and make other efforts to obtain benefits and satisfy the needs of the community. There are several forms of business entities, among others, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Private-Owned Enterprises (BUMS), Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), and mixed business entities