Definition and Stages of Production Management

Definition and Stages of Production Management
Production Management - Definition, Stages, Planning, Control, Supervision, Factors, Functions, Purposes, Experts: Production management is an effective planning process and organizes operations on the part that is responsible for the transformation from raw materials to finished products of the company.

"Production Management" Definition & (Stages - Supporting Factors)
Definition of Production Management
Before knowing what production management is, we need to remember the terms of production. In KBBI, Production means the process of issuing outputs, income, results and manufacturing. The word which is closely related to production is product which is the term for the result of a production.
If we combine it with management's understanding, this means that production management can mean the task of coordinating and controlling the activities needed to make a product more effectively from various aspects.
And whereas according to the experts namely Mr. E.L. Brech, production management is an effective planning process and organizes operations on the part that is responsible for the transformation from raw materials to finished products of the company. So we can conclude that production management is the practice of coordinating, directing and supervising the making of goods to be more effective, especially in terms of cost and time.

Understanding Production Management According to Experts
Here are a few definitions of Production Management:
By Agus Ahyari
Is a process of activities for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating the production and production processes.

By Sukanto
Is an effort to manage in an optimal way against the factors of production or.

Stages in Production Management
To get production results that match our targets, we must go through several stages, from planning to execution. If one of these stages is passed, our production results cannot be maximized and will affect the company's survival. The following are the stages of production management, namely:

Production Planning
At this initial stage the entire production plan is discussed, how the future production will be. In this stage also every team member can submit new product ideas that are relevant and effective to realize the goals of the organization. This production planning must determine several things in the process. These are the types of goods to be produced, how the quality of goods, how many goods, from which raw materials and how to control production.

Production Control
The production plan that was made earlier needs to be implemented. Now to go according to the plan, we need to control or control the production process. This process can also be called the process of determining technical details.
Some things done in the control of production such as setting work schedules, setting detailed work system plans and so forth. The purpose of this production control stage is to control production output so that it can run effectively and efficiently.

Production Supervision
During the production process, supervision must be carried out. The goal is that the resulting production is as expected, ontime does not lack or excess budget, the product is in accordance with quality standards and so on until the part is ready to be launched to the market.

Supporting Factors of Production Management
Production management that has been carried out can develop well by being influenced by two factors. The first factor is division of labor or the right division of tasks. To achieve quality products, the right division of labor can help production be more effective and efficient while maintaining goodness.
The second factor is conducting an industrial revolution, what is an industrial revolution ?? in the context of the production management of the industrial revolution in question is the replacement of human labor with machines or robots in the production process.
That way the production target can be achieved and also employees will try to improve their expertise in order to compete. Unfortunately this industrial revolution cannot be used by small businesses that still use traditional methods. The following industrial revolution can be seen through several aspects including:

The use of machines is increasing.
The efficiency of coal production as fuel, and iron and steel as the main ingredients.
Infrastructure development is increasingly developing, such as railway lines, transportation equipment, communication networks and adequate electricity supply.
Expansion of the banking and credit system to reach local communities who need capital to develop their production.
By utilizing these factors, the growth resulting from production management will be more rapid. In addition, the production management process will also be helped.

Production Management Function
The most basic function of production management, namely the existence of planning, organizing, placement of Human Resources, (staffing), providing motivation and the last function is the activity of supervision that absolutely must be carried out by every organization or company.
Production management is a management process that is applied in the production field. The production management process is a combination of all aspects consisting of products, factories, processes, programs and people. The terms that can be used in production management are, products, producers, productivity, production processes, production systems, production planning, and company wide.

The purpose of Production Management
The aim of Production Management is to produce or regulate the production of goods and services in quantity, quality, price, time and place according to the needs. Production management is a process of activities to carry out activities: planning, planning, organizing, directing (directing), controlling (controling) of the production process. In addition, production management is also defined as a business management in an optimal way against factors of production or sources such as humans, labor, machinery and existing raw materials.
Production planning activities as: one part of production management really determines how a production runs. The purpose of production planning must be firm, clear and easy to understand. Planning often has to change, so planning must be flexible and open to change when needed. This flexible nature causes the implementation of its activities to be monitored and controlled continuously in accordance with existing conditions, but planning must remain on the goals set.