Understanding of Accounting According to Experts
Understanding of Accounting According to Experts Complete With Its History: Accounting is a process of recording, classifying, summarizing, processing and presenting data, transactions and in events related to finance. Accounting is a process of recording, classifying, summarizing, processing and presenting data, transactions and in financial-related events that can be used by people who use them easily understood in making a decision and other objectives.
Understanding of Accounting in General
Accounting is often referred to as a business language, or more accurately, the language of decision making. The more someone masters this language, the better the person will handle various aspects of finance in his life. The definition of accounting can be formulated through 2 (two) points of view, namely the definition from the point of view of the users of accounting services and the definition from the perspective of the process of its activities.
From the point of view of users of accounting services, accounting can be defined as a scientific discipline and / or service activity that provides information needed to carry out activities efficiently and evaluate the activities of an entity or financial transactions. The usefulness of accounting information is to:
Make effective planning, as well as supervise, and make appropriate economic decisions by management
The responsibility of the entity to investors, creditors, the government, and so on.
If viewed from the perspective of the process of its activities, accounting can be defined as the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, reporting and analyzing the financial data of an entity. From this it can be seen, that accounting is a complex activity, involving a variety of activities, so basically accounting must:
Identify which data is relevant or relevant to the decision to be taken,
Process or analyze relevant data,
Turn data into information that can be used for decision making.
From the above definition, we can simply explain that accounting can produce information that is used by managers to carry out company operations. Accounting also provides information to interested parties to find out the financial performance and condition of the company.
Understanding of Accounting According to Experts
Here Is An Understanding Of Accounting According To Experts.
1. ABP Statement No. 4 in Smith Skousen (1995: 3)
Defining Accounting is a service activity which is to provide quantitative information, especially those that have the nature of making economic decisions in making decisions that are logical choices among various alternative actions.
2. American Accountants Association
States that accounting is a piece, estimation, and reporting of financial data, which allows an assessment and choice to make clear and decisive for individuals who utilize data.
3. Frederich D.S. Choi, Gerhard G. Mueller
Accounting is a process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to enable users to make judgments and decisions.
4. Soemarsono S.R (2004)
Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring and reporting economic information to enable clear and explicit assessments and decisions for those who use that information.
5. S. Munawir (2005)
Accounting is an art rather than recording, classifying and summarizing events and events and at least financial nature in the most expeditious manner and as directions or expressed in money, as well as interpreting the things that arise from it.
6. Henry Simamora (2005)
Accounting is the process of measuring the economic activity of an entity in units of money and communicating the results to interested parties.
7. Sofyan Harahap (2005)
Accounting is as a process of identifying, measuring, and conveying economic information as information material in terms of considering various alternatives in drawing conclusions by the users.1
8. Zaki Baridwan (2000)
Accounting is a service activity, its function is to provide quantitative data, mainly those of a financial nature, from economic ventures that can be used in making economic decisions in having alternatives in a situation.
9. Suparwoto L
Accounting is as a technique or system for measuring and managing financial transactions and presenting the results of management in the form of information to internal and external parties of the company. External parties include investors, creditors, governments, trade unions and so forth.
10. Paul Grady
Accounting is as a body of knowledge and organizational functions systematically, authentic and original in recording, classifying, processing, making summaries, analyzing, interpreting all transactions and events and financial characteristics that occur in the operations of accounting entities with the aim of providing meaningful information needed by management as a report and accountability for the trust it receives.
11. Mulyadi
Accounting functions as a tool to record and present financial reports to facilitate management in managing the company.
12. Littleton (Muhammad, 2002: 10)
Accounting is a comparative calculation of the costs incurred as a business with the achievement of results that are the achievements of the business.
Definition and Stages of Production Management
Definition and Stages of Production Management
Production Management - Definition, Stages, Planning, Control, Supervision, Factors, Functions, Purposes, Experts: Production management is an effective planning process and organizes operations on the part that is responsible for the transformation from raw materials to finished products of the company.
"Production Management" Definition & (Stages - Supporting Factors)
Definition of Production Management
Before knowing what production management is, we need to remember the terms of production. In KBBI, Production means the process of issuing outputs, income, results and manufacturing. The word which is closely related to production is product which is the term for the result of a production.
If we combine it with management's understanding, this means that production management can mean the task of coordinating and controlling the activities needed to make a product more effectively from various aspects.
And whereas according to the experts namely Mr. E.L. Brech, production management is an effective planning process and organizes operations on the part that is responsible for the transformation from raw materials to finished products of the company. So we can conclude that production management is the practice of coordinating, directing and supervising the making of goods to be more effective, especially in terms of cost and time.
Understanding Production Management According to Experts
Here are a few definitions of Production Management:
By Agus Ahyari
Is a process of activities for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating the production and production processes.
By Sukanto
Is an effort to manage in an optimal way against the factors of production or.
Stages in Production Management
To get production results that match our targets, we must go through several stages, from planning to execution. If one of these stages is passed, our production results cannot be maximized and will affect the company's survival. The following are the stages of production management, namely:
Production Planning
At this initial stage the entire production plan is discussed, how the future production will be. In this stage also every team member can submit new product ideas that are relevant and effective to realize the goals of the organization. This production planning must determine several things in the process. These are the types of goods to be produced, how the quality of goods, how many goods, from which raw materials and how to control production.
Production Control
The production plan that was made earlier needs to be implemented. Now to go according to the plan, we need to control or control the production process. This process can also be called the process of determining technical details.
Some things done in the control of production such as setting work schedules, setting detailed work system plans and so forth. The purpose of this production control stage is to control production output so that it can run effectively and efficiently.
Production Supervision
During the production process, supervision must be carried out. The goal is that the resulting production is as expected, ontime does not lack or excess budget, the product is in accordance with quality standards and so on until the part is ready to be launched to the market.
Supporting Factors of Production Management
Production management that has been carried out can develop well by being influenced by two factors. The first factor is division of labor or the right division of tasks. To achieve quality products, the right division of labor can help production be more effective and efficient while maintaining goodness.
The second factor is conducting an industrial revolution, what is an industrial revolution ?? in the context of the production management of the industrial revolution in question is the replacement of human labor with machines or robots in the production process.
That way the production target can be achieved and also employees will try to improve their expertise in order to compete. Unfortunately this industrial revolution cannot be used by small businesses that still use traditional methods. The following industrial revolution can be seen through several aspects including:
The use of machines is increasing.
The efficiency of coal production as fuel, and iron and steel as the main ingredients.
Infrastructure development is increasingly developing, such as railway lines, transportation equipment, communication networks and adequate electricity supply.
Expansion of the banking and credit system to reach local communities who need capital to develop their production.
By utilizing these factors, the growth resulting from production management will be more rapid. In addition, the production management process will also be helped.
Production Management Function
The most basic function of production management, namely the existence of planning, organizing, placement of Human Resources, (staffing), providing motivation and the last function is the activity of supervision that absolutely must be carried out by every organization or company.
Production management is a management process that is applied in the production field. The production management process is a combination of all aspects consisting of products, factories, processes, programs and people. The terms that can be used in production management are, products, producers, productivity, production processes, production systems, production planning, and company wide.
The purpose of Production Management
The aim of Production Management is to produce or regulate the production of goods and services in quantity, quality, price, time and place according to the needs. Production management is a process of activities to carry out activities: planning, planning, organizing, directing (directing), controlling (controling) of the production process. In addition, production management is also defined as a business management in an optimal way against factors of production or sources such as humans, labor, machinery and existing raw materials.
Production planning activities as: one part of production management really determines how a production runs. The purpose of production planning must be firm, clear and easy to understand. Planning often has to change, so planning must be flexible and open to change when needed. This flexible nature causes the implementation of its activities to be monitored and controlled continuously in accordance with existing conditions, but planning must remain on the goals set.
Production Management - Definition, Stages, Planning, Control, Supervision, Factors, Functions, Purposes, Experts: Production management is an effective planning process and organizes operations on the part that is responsible for the transformation from raw materials to finished products of the company.
"Production Management" Definition & (Stages - Supporting Factors)
Definition of Production Management
Before knowing what production management is, we need to remember the terms of production. In KBBI, Production means the process of issuing outputs, income, results and manufacturing. The word which is closely related to production is product which is the term for the result of a production.
If we combine it with management's understanding, this means that production management can mean the task of coordinating and controlling the activities needed to make a product more effectively from various aspects.
And whereas according to the experts namely Mr. E.L. Brech, production management is an effective planning process and organizes operations on the part that is responsible for the transformation from raw materials to finished products of the company. So we can conclude that production management is the practice of coordinating, directing and supervising the making of goods to be more effective, especially in terms of cost and time.
Understanding Production Management According to Experts
Here are a few definitions of Production Management:
By Agus Ahyari
Is a process of activities for planning, organizing, directing, coordinating the production and production processes.
By Sukanto
Is an effort to manage in an optimal way against the factors of production or.
Stages in Production Management
To get production results that match our targets, we must go through several stages, from planning to execution. If one of these stages is passed, our production results cannot be maximized and will affect the company's survival. The following are the stages of production management, namely:
Production Planning
At this initial stage the entire production plan is discussed, how the future production will be. In this stage also every team member can submit new product ideas that are relevant and effective to realize the goals of the organization. This production planning must determine several things in the process. These are the types of goods to be produced, how the quality of goods, how many goods, from which raw materials and how to control production.
Production Control
The production plan that was made earlier needs to be implemented. Now to go according to the plan, we need to control or control the production process. This process can also be called the process of determining technical details.
Some things done in the control of production such as setting work schedules, setting detailed work system plans and so forth. The purpose of this production control stage is to control production output so that it can run effectively and efficiently.
Production Supervision
During the production process, supervision must be carried out. The goal is that the resulting production is as expected, ontime does not lack or excess budget, the product is in accordance with quality standards and so on until the part is ready to be launched to the market.
Supporting Factors of Production Management
Production management that has been carried out can develop well by being influenced by two factors. The first factor is division of labor or the right division of tasks. To achieve quality products, the right division of labor can help production be more effective and efficient while maintaining goodness.
The second factor is conducting an industrial revolution, what is an industrial revolution ?? in the context of the production management of the industrial revolution in question is the replacement of human labor with machines or robots in the production process.
That way the production target can be achieved and also employees will try to improve their expertise in order to compete. Unfortunately this industrial revolution cannot be used by small businesses that still use traditional methods. The following industrial revolution can be seen through several aspects including:
The use of machines is increasing.
The efficiency of coal production as fuel, and iron and steel as the main ingredients.
Infrastructure development is increasingly developing, such as railway lines, transportation equipment, communication networks and adequate electricity supply.
Expansion of the banking and credit system to reach local communities who need capital to develop their production.
By utilizing these factors, the growth resulting from production management will be more rapid. In addition, the production management process will also be helped.
Production Management Function
The most basic function of production management, namely the existence of planning, organizing, placement of Human Resources, (staffing), providing motivation and the last function is the activity of supervision that absolutely must be carried out by every organization or company.
Production management is a management process that is applied in the production field. The production management process is a combination of all aspects consisting of products, factories, processes, programs and people. The terms that can be used in production management are, products, producers, productivity, production processes, production systems, production planning, and company wide.
The purpose of Production Management
The aim of Production Management is to produce or regulate the production of goods and services in quantity, quality, price, time and place according to the needs. Production management is a process of activities to carry out activities: planning, planning, organizing, directing (directing), controlling (controling) of the production process. In addition, production management is also defined as a business management in an optimal way against factors of production or sources such as humans, labor, machinery and existing raw materials.
Production planning activities as: one part of production management really determines how a production runs. The purpose of production planning must be firm, clear and easy to understand. Planning often has to change, so planning must be flexible and open to change when needed. This flexible nature causes the implementation of its activities to be monitored and controlled continuously in accordance with existing conditions, but planning must remain on the goals set.
Examples of E-Business and E-Commerce
Examples of E-Business and E-Commerce
No less interesting is that by applying the concept of networking (internetworking), a small and medium scale company can easily work with giant companies to offer various products and services to customers. And not infrequently there is also a small-scale company (seen from the number of employees) whose income can exceed medium and large companies because of their effective strategies in implementing e-business. "Unexpectedly", the internet network that was previously only intended for research institutions such as universities turned out to be expanding and expanding its use in business and society. The result is the connection of hundreds of millions of people (and counting) into a network arena that is often referred to as the virtual world (virtual world).
Drivers of E-business
The development of the implementation of the e-business concept is strongly influenced by external driving forces, namely:
Customer Expectations
What is expected by consumers at this time is not enough to be satisfied with the good quality of a product, but customers also expect good pre and post-sale services. The spectrum of services referred to include: ordering can be done anytime, anywhere, and payment for product purchases using a variety of methods such as credit cards, debit cards, and transfer services, and the existence of product insurance facilities and product delivery that is fast and competitive prices, etc. other.
Competitive Imperatives
Globalization has formed a very tight arena of business competition. Customers will easily compare the quality of products and services between companies, this forces the company to develop the right strategy.
Macro-deregulation carried out by the government and other countries (such as APEC, AFTA, WTO) has contributed to the shape of the business world in the future, especially with the concept of free trade between countries and industries. The internet here is considered as an arena where the concept of perfect competition and open markets has taken place, especially products and services that can be digitalized.
E-business is the advancement of information technology that is dominated by accelerating computer and telecommunications technology. The function of information technology is not only critical for the development of e-business but is also a driver of the possibility of new business models.
Examples of E-Business and E-Commerce
Some examples of e-business today are newspapers or print media that are online-based, so it's not just the print media. Lots of print media run their business not only through print media but also through online media on the internet and of course there are so many benefits that can be obtained, for example: news that can be accessed at any time by the whole community and more updated news etc. Then another example at this time are many fashion shops that not only run their businesses in the real world but they also run their businesses online.
For more details about e-commerce, then here are some examples of e-commerce that are quite popular:
With so many famous websites based on e-commerce, the benefits of online shop for sellers and buyers are felt by almost all people. This certainly has a positive impact on economic development as well.
No less interesting is that by applying the concept of networking (internetworking), a small and medium scale company can easily work with giant companies to offer various products and services to customers. And not infrequently there is also a small-scale company (seen from the number of employees) whose income can exceed medium and large companies because of their effective strategies in implementing e-business. "Unexpectedly", the internet network that was previously only intended for research institutions such as universities turned out to be expanding and expanding its use in business and society. The result is the connection of hundreds of millions of people (and counting) into a network arena that is often referred to as the virtual world (virtual world).
Drivers of E-business
The development of the implementation of the e-business concept is strongly influenced by external driving forces, namely:
Customer Expectations
What is expected by consumers at this time is not enough to be satisfied with the good quality of a product, but customers also expect good pre and post-sale services. The spectrum of services referred to include: ordering can be done anytime, anywhere, and payment for product purchases using a variety of methods such as credit cards, debit cards, and transfer services, and the existence of product insurance facilities and product delivery that is fast and competitive prices, etc. other.
Competitive Imperatives
Globalization has formed a very tight arena of business competition. Customers will easily compare the quality of products and services between companies, this forces the company to develop the right strategy.
Macro-deregulation carried out by the government and other countries (such as APEC, AFTA, WTO) has contributed to the shape of the business world in the future, especially with the concept of free trade between countries and industries. The internet here is considered as an arena where the concept of perfect competition and open markets has taken place, especially products and services that can be digitalized.
E-business is the advancement of information technology that is dominated by accelerating computer and telecommunications technology. The function of information technology is not only critical for the development of e-business but is also a driver of the possibility of new business models.
Examples of E-Business and E-Commerce
Some examples of e-business today are newspapers or print media that are online-based, so it's not just the print media. Lots of print media run their business not only through print media but also through online media on the internet and of course there are so many benefits that can be obtained, for example: news that can be accessed at any time by the whole community and more updated news etc. Then another example at this time are many fashion shops that not only run their businesses in the real world but they also run their businesses online.
For more details about e-commerce, then here are some examples of e-commerce that are quite popular:
With so many famous websites based on e-commerce, the benefits of online shop for sellers and buyers are felt by almost all people. This certainly has a positive impact on economic development as well.
The Development of the Implementation of the E-business Concept
The Development of the Implementation of the E-business Concept
The Who dimension
Who is involved in e-business? As the definition implies, all parties or entities that interact in a business system or series of business processes are parties who have an interest in the scope of e-business. There are at least seven (A to G) entity classifications that are often used in illustrating e-business, respectively: agent, business, consumer, device, employee, family, and government.
An example is an B-to-C type e-commerce application which is a mechanism of trade relations between a company and its customers (its end consumers); or the type of G-to-G that connects two countries for export and import issues; or D-to-D that connects two advanced information technology equipment such as between a PDA and a cellphone; or B-to-F that connects a company selling household goods with various families; and so forth.
Where dimension
Not a few laymen who questioned where the actual business activities can be done in e-business. The answer is very short and easy, that is, anywhere, as far as the parties concerned have electronic / digital facilities as access channels. In contrast to conventional business where transactions are normally carried out physically around the company concerned, then in e-business, interactions can be carried out through various access channels.
At home, a mother can use the telephone or web-TV to communicate with companies selling products or services; in the office, an employee can use computer or fax equipment; in the car, a student can use his handphone or PDA; in crowded locations such as malls, shops, or markets, people can use ATMs, internet cafes, or telecommunication kiosks (Wartel) to do the same thing. In other words, the term anywhere to make contact with anyone is not just a slogan that is grandiose, but has become a reality in the implementation of e-business.
Dimensions of Why
The final question that often haunts traditional business people is why business practitioners around the world agree to implement e-business as soon as possible as a business model in the future. The effective application of the e-business concept not only benefits the company because of the many high cost components that can be saved (cost cutting), but it also gives the company the opportunity to increase its level of revenue (revenue generation) directly or indirectly.
By implementing e-business, companies can see various opportunities and new business gaps that have never been offered to the public. In addition, it has been proven that many companies have carried out business transformation (changes in core business) after seeing the magnitude of new business opportunities in applying the concept of e-business.
The Who dimension
Who is involved in e-business? As the definition implies, all parties or entities that interact in a business system or series of business processes are parties who have an interest in the scope of e-business. There are at least seven (A to G) entity classifications that are often used in illustrating e-business, respectively: agent, business, consumer, device, employee, family, and government.
An example is an B-to-C type e-commerce application which is a mechanism of trade relations between a company and its customers (its end consumers); or the type of G-to-G that connects two countries for export and import issues; or D-to-D that connects two advanced information technology equipment such as between a PDA and a cellphone; or B-to-F that connects a company selling household goods with various families; and so forth.
Where dimension
Not a few laymen who questioned where the actual business activities can be done in e-business. The answer is very short and easy, that is, anywhere, as far as the parties concerned have electronic / digital facilities as access channels. In contrast to conventional business where transactions are normally carried out physically around the company concerned, then in e-business, interactions can be carried out through various access channels.
At home, a mother can use the telephone or web-TV to communicate with companies selling products or services; in the office, an employee can use computer or fax equipment; in the car, a student can use his handphone or PDA; in crowded locations such as malls, shops, or markets, people can use ATMs, internet cafes, or telecommunication kiosks (Wartel) to do the same thing. In other words, the term anywhere to make contact with anyone is not just a slogan that is grandiose, but has become a reality in the implementation of e-business.
Dimensions of Why
The final question that often haunts traditional business people is why business practitioners around the world agree to implement e-business as soon as possible as a business model in the future. The effective application of the e-business concept not only benefits the company because of the many high cost components that can be saved (cost cutting), but it also gives the company the opportunity to increase its level of revenue (revenue generation) directly or indirectly.
By implementing e-business, companies can see various opportunities and new business gaps that have never been offered to the public. In addition, it has been proven that many companies have carried out business transformation (changes in core business) after seeing the magnitude of new business opportunities in applying the concept of e-business.
Theft of Valuable Confidential Information
Theft of Valuable Confidential Information
From a business point of view, the system abuse that occurs, consists of:
Direct financial loss due to fraud
A person or fraudster who comes from inside or outside transfers a sum of money from one account to another or he has destroyed / replaced all existing financial data.
Theft of valuable confidential information
In general, many organizations and institutions that store confidential data that is very important for their survival. For example, ownership of technology or marketing information and information related to the interests of their consumers / clients. Disturbances can reveal all confidential information to unauthorized parties and can result in great harm to the victim.
Lost business opportunity due to service disruption
Relying on electronic services can cause interruptions during certain periods that cannot be predicted. This error is a non-technical error, such as a sudden power outage, or other types of unexpected disturbances.
Unauthorized use of access to resources
An outsider obtains access that is not his right and he uses it for personal gain. For example, a hacker who managed to break into a banking system. After that, he arbitrarily moved a number of other people's accounts into his own account.
E-Commerce Risks
Although eCommerce is a profitable system because it can reduce business transaction costs and can improve the quality of service to customers, this eCommerce system and all supporting infrastructure is easily misused by irresponsible parties, and can also be exposed to errors that arise through various ways.
Loss of trust from consumers
Consumer confidence towards a
certain companies / institutions / institutions can be lost due to various factors, such as efforts made deliberately by other parties who try to bring down the reputation of the company, and can also be fatal mistakes made by these companies which increase consumer confidence.
Unforeseen losses
Interference with business transactions, caused by intentional outside interference, dishonesty, improper business practices, human error, or electronic system errors, results in unavoidable loss of business transactions. Especially in financial terms. For example, confirmation of a transaction is not received as well as it should. Loss of business opportunities, loss of credibility and reputation, and loss of costs that are risks that can occur at any time, but we must be prepared to anticipate or prevent it.
Scope and Factors of E-business
E-business scope
To be able to capture the dimensions of the scope of the notion of e-business the way often used is to use the 4W principle (What, Who, Where, Why)
What dimension
Many people exchange the term e-business for e-commerce. In principle, the understanding of e-business is much broader compared to e-commerce even philosophically, e-commerce is part of e-business. If e-commerce only focuses on activities or transaction mechanisms that are carried out electronically, or digitally, e-business has a much broader area. This includes the activities of relations between two corporate entities. Interaction between the company and its customers, collaboration between the company and its business partners. Exchange information between companies and with business competitors. And so forth. The existence of the internet has enabled companies to establish direct and indirect communication with millions and even billions of entities (customers, partners, competitors, government, etc.) that exist in cyberspace because the nature of such communication is part of a business system, so it is widely understood understanding of e-business.
From a business point of view, the system abuse that occurs, consists of:
Direct financial loss due to fraud
A person or fraudster who comes from inside or outside transfers a sum of money from one account to another or he has destroyed / replaced all existing financial data.
Theft of valuable confidential information
In general, many organizations and institutions that store confidential data that is very important for their survival. For example, ownership of technology or marketing information and information related to the interests of their consumers / clients. Disturbances can reveal all confidential information to unauthorized parties and can result in great harm to the victim.
Lost business opportunity due to service disruption
Relying on electronic services can cause interruptions during certain periods that cannot be predicted. This error is a non-technical error, such as a sudden power outage, or other types of unexpected disturbances.
Unauthorized use of access to resources
An outsider obtains access that is not his right and he uses it for personal gain. For example, a hacker who managed to break into a banking system. After that, he arbitrarily moved a number of other people's accounts into his own account.
E-Commerce Risks
Although eCommerce is a profitable system because it can reduce business transaction costs and can improve the quality of service to customers, this eCommerce system and all supporting infrastructure is easily misused by irresponsible parties, and can also be exposed to errors that arise through various ways.
Loss of trust from consumers
Consumer confidence towards a
certain companies / institutions / institutions can be lost due to various factors, such as efforts made deliberately by other parties who try to bring down the reputation of the company, and can also be fatal mistakes made by these companies which increase consumer confidence.
Unforeseen losses
Interference with business transactions, caused by intentional outside interference, dishonesty, improper business practices, human error, or electronic system errors, results in unavoidable loss of business transactions. Especially in financial terms. For example, confirmation of a transaction is not received as well as it should. Loss of business opportunities, loss of credibility and reputation, and loss of costs that are risks that can occur at any time, but we must be prepared to anticipate or prevent it.
Scope and Factors of E-business
E-business scope
To be able to capture the dimensions of the scope of the notion of e-business the way often used is to use the 4W principle (What, Who, Where, Why)
What dimension
Many people exchange the term e-business for e-commerce. In principle, the understanding of e-business is much broader compared to e-commerce even philosophically, e-commerce is part of e-business. If e-commerce only focuses on activities or transaction mechanisms that are carried out electronically, or digitally, e-business has a much broader area. This includes the activities of relations between two corporate entities. Interaction between the company and its customers, collaboration between the company and its business partners. Exchange information between companies and with business competitors. And so forth. The existence of the internet has enabled companies to establish direct and indirect communication with millions and even billions of entities (customers, partners, competitors, government, etc.) that exist in cyberspace because the nature of such communication is part of a business system, so it is widely understood understanding of e-business.
E-Commerce Challenges and Risks
E-Commerce Challenges and Risks
E-Business Benefits
Benefits of E-Business Value what is actually offered by e-business. According to Charles R. Rieger and Marry P. Donato there are at least 5 advantages offered by e-business namely: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Reach, Structure, and Opportunity.
A research shows that approximately 40% of the company's total operational costs are allocated for information dissemination activities to the relevant divisions. With the use of information technology, it can be seen how companies can finance the total operational costs. An example is how e-mail facilities can reduce the cost of communication in sending documents.
With the use of information technology, customers can get in touch with the company at any time, 7 days a week and 24 hours non-stop.
The company is able to expand the range and space of the company to expand easily (penetrating the limits of space and time) and without requiring relatively expensive costs.
The concept of brick-and-morter transformed into click-and-morter has changed the behavior of companies in a business approach.
Opened wide opportunities for business people to innovate to create new products or services due to the discovery of new technology from the future.
Also Read Articles That May Be Associated: Differences in E-Business and E-Commerce
E-Commerce Challenges and Risks
E-Commerce Challenge
The number of Internet users is not in line with the level of e-commerce sales
At present, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world that has quite a large number of internet users. However, this did not seem to have a good effect on the level of e-commerce sales in Indonesia. Because, based on research results, Indonesia is ranked last of the five countries in Asia in e-commerce sales.
Online shoppers in Indonesia are still dominated by professionals
Half of all Internet users in Indonesia on average spend three or more hours online each day and around office hours, online shopping traffic will increase again in the afternoon after office hours or during lunch breaks. This is because buyers prefer to access the internet at work rather than at home, because of the slow internet connection at home.
Consumers in Indonesia prefer shopping on Social Media
and BBM Netizens in Indonesia tend to choose online purchases through BBM broadcasts, forums and social media platforms such as Facebook, where they can interact with sellers. And only 20% of Indonesian netizens say they prefer shopping on online shopping sites. This means that e-commerce such as eBay, Rakuten and Sukamart, must adjust their different strategies in Indonesia
Payment services are still limited
In the midst of poor transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, congestion and poor means of mass transportation to shopping centers make consumers have to make more efforts to be able to shop, for that problem, actually e-commerce can be the best solution for consumers in Indonesia. However, many e-commerce requires buyers to ATM to transfer a certain amount of money to the seller before the goods can be sent. It also needs to be considered by e-commerce actors to adjust the way of payment to the situation in Indonesia.
E-Business Benefits
Benefits of E-Business Value what is actually offered by e-business. According to Charles R. Rieger and Marry P. Donato there are at least 5 advantages offered by e-business namely: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Reach, Structure, and Opportunity.
A research shows that approximately 40% of the company's total operational costs are allocated for information dissemination activities to the relevant divisions. With the use of information technology, it can be seen how companies can finance the total operational costs. An example is how e-mail facilities can reduce the cost of communication in sending documents.
With the use of information technology, customers can get in touch with the company at any time, 7 days a week and 24 hours non-stop.
The company is able to expand the range and space of the company to expand easily (penetrating the limits of space and time) and without requiring relatively expensive costs.
The concept of brick-and-morter transformed into click-and-morter has changed the behavior of companies in a business approach.
Opened wide opportunities for business people to innovate to create new products or services due to the discovery of new technology from the future.
Also Read Articles That May Be Associated: Differences in E-Business and E-Commerce
E-Commerce Challenges and Risks
E-Commerce Challenge
The number of Internet users is not in line with the level of e-commerce sales
At present, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world that has quite a large number of internet users. However, this did not seem to have a good effect on the level of e-commerce sales in Indonesia. Because, based on research results, Indonesia is ranked last of the five countries in Asia in e-commerce sales.
Online shoppers in Indonesia are still dominated by professionals
Half of all Internet users in Indonesia on average spend three or more hours online each day and around office hours, online shopping traffic will increase again in the afternoon after office hours or during lunch breaks. This is because buyers prefer to access the internet at work rather than at home, because of the slow internet connection at home.
Consumers in Indonesia prefer shopping on Social Media
and BBM Netizens in Indonesia tend to choose online purchases through BBM broadcasts, forums and social media platforms such as Facebook, where they can interact with sellers. And only 20% of Indonesian netizens say they prefer shopping on online shopping sites. This means that e-commerce such as eBay, Rakuten and Sukamart, must adjust their different strategies in Indonesia
Payment services are still limited
In the midst of poor transportation infrastructure in Indonesia, congestion and poor means of mass transportation to shopping centers make consumers have to make more efforts to be able to shop, for that problem, actually e-commerce can be the best solution for consumers in Indonesia. However, many e-commerce requires buyers to ATM to transfer a certain amount of money to the seller before the goods can be sent. It also needs to be considered by e-commerce actors to adjust the way of payment to the situation in Indonesia.
Difference between E-Business and E-Commerce
Difference between E-Business and E-Commerce
Each functional part has environmental responsibilities that interact with the company, according to the graph below:
Difference between E-Business and E-Commerce
Basically, we can distinguish e-commerce and e-business very easily. Almost all e-commerce is part of e-business, so it is not wrong if we mention many online shops as a form of e-commerce or e-business. However, there is still a difference between the two services that are in this internet network, namely:
E-business covers a very wide area, starting from capital development, human resources, technology resources, marketing and marketing processes, office management, audit processes, and all kinds of other elements. Meanwhile, e-commerce only focuses on the process of buying and selling or transferring which is carried out through an electronic transaction process on a site.
E-commerce is a small part of e-business. Proverbial, if we compare it as a human body, e-business is the entire human body, while e-commerce is only the left hand or right hand man.
E-commerce only requires specifications and analytical skills in terms of sales and transactions only, while e-business requires careful consideration from various aspects, ranging from aspects of marketing, production, and so on.
Benefits of E-Business and E-Commerce
Advantages of E-Commerce
Better customer service.
Relationships with suppliers and the financial community have improved.
Returns on shareholder and owner investment are increasing.
Benefits for the Company
Can reach a large number of potential buyers on a global count,
Advertising costs are cheaper than TV, newspaper or Radio advertising media with the latest display updates with minimal costs,
Can use social media for communication with suppliers, factories, distributors and customers online,
The level of marketing can be developed in accordance with the wishes of the buyer,
Not subject to sales tax.
Benefits for Consumers
Electronic commerce allows customers to shop or make other transactions 24 hours a day throughout the year from almost every location.
Electronic commerce gives customers more choices; they can choose various products from many vendors.
Electronic commerce provides inexpensive products and services to customers by visiting many places and making comparisons quickly.
In some cases, especially on digitized products, EC makes shipping very fast.
Customers can receive relevant information in detail in seconds, no longer days or days.
Electronic commerce allows participation in virtual auctions.
Electronic commerce provides a place for customers to interact with other customers in the electronic community and exchange ideas and experiences.
Electronic commerce facilitates competition, which in turn will generate substantial discounts.
Benefits for the Community
Electronic commerce allows people to work inside the house and not go out to shop a lot, consequently this will reduce the flow of traffic on the road and reduce air pollution.
Electronic commerce allows a number of merchandise to be sold at a lower price, so that people who are less able can buy more and improve their standard of living.
Electronic commerce allows people in third world countries and rural areas to enjoy a variety of products and services that would be difficult for them to get without EC. This also includes opportunities to study professionally and obtain an academic degree.
Electronic commerce facilitates public services, such as health care, education and equitable social services implemented by the government at lower costs, and with better quality. Health care services, for example, can reach patients in rural areas.
Each functional part has environmental responsibilities that interact with the company, according to the graph below:
Difference between E-Business and E-Commerce
Basically, we can distinguish e-commerce and e-business very easily. Almost all e-commerce is part of e-business, so it is not wrong if we mention many online shops as a form of e-commerce or e-business. However, there is still a difference between the two services that are in this internet network, namely:
E-business covers a very wide area, starting from capital development, human resources, technology resources, marketing and marketing processes, office management, audit processes, and all kinds of other elements. Meanwhile, e-commerce only focuses on the process of buying and selling or transferring which is carried out through an electronic transaction process on a site.
E-commerce is a small part of e-business. Proverbial, if we compare it as a human body, e-business is the entire human body, while e-commerce is only the left hand or right hand man.
E-commerce only requires specifications and analytical skills in terms of sales and transactions only, while e-business requires careful consideration from various aspects, ranging from aspects of marketing, production, and so on.
Benefits of E-Business and E-Commerce
Advantages of E-Commerce
Better customer service.
Relationships with suppliers and the financial community have improved.
Returns on shareholder and owner investment are increasing.
Benefits for the Company
Can reach a large number of potential buyers on a global count,
Advertising costs are cheaper than TV, newspaper or Radio advertising media with the latest display updates with minimal costs,
Can use social media for communication with suppliers, factories, distributors and customers online,
The level of marketing can be developed in accordance with the wishes of the buyer,
Not subject to sales tax.
Benefits for Consumers
Electronic commerce allows customers to shop or make other transactions 24 hours a day throughout the year from almost every location.
Electronic commerce gives customers more choices; they can choose various products from many vendors.
Electronic commerce provides inexpensive products and services to customers by visiting many places and making comparisons quickly.
In some cases, especially on digitized products, EC makes shipping very fast.
Customers can receive relevant information in detail in seconds, no longer days or days.
Electronic commerce allows participation in virtual auctions.
Electronic commerce provides a place for customers to interact with other customers in the electronic community and exchange ideas and experiences.
Electronic commerce facilitates competition, which in turn will generate substantial discounts.
Benefits for the Community
Electronic commerce allows people to work inside the house and not go out to shop a lot, consequently this will reduce the flow of traffic on the road and reduce air pollution.
Electronic commerce allows a number of merchandise to be sold at a lower price, so that people who are less able can buy more and improve their standard of living.
Electronic commerce allows people in third world countries and rural areas to enjoy a variety of products and services that would be difficult for them to get without EC. This also includes opportunities to study professionally and obtain an academic degree.
Electronic commerce facilitates public services, such as health care, education and equitable social services implemented by the government at lower costs, and with better quality. Health care services, for example, can reach patients in rural areas.
Understanding and History of E-Commerce
Understanding and History of E-Commerce
According to experts
E-business includes all things that must be done using information and communication technology (ICT) to conduct business activities between organizations and from organizations to consumers. (Sid L. Huff, et al. 2000. Cases in Electronic Commerce. McGraw-Hill)
According to Kalakota and Robinson (Kalakota, 2001) wrote that e-business is a complex blend of business processes, corporate applications and some organizational structure needed to produce a business model that has a much better performance than the previous situation .
E-business is the practice of implementing and managing key business processes such as product design, raw material supply management, manufacturing, sales, order fulfillment, and service provision through the use of computerized communication technology, computers and data. (Steven Alter. Information System: Foundation of E-Business. Prentice Hall, 2002).
According to Mohan Sawhney & Jeff Zabin in O'Brien & Marakas (2008) states that e-business is the use of electronic networks and related technologies to allow, strengthen, improve, change, or find a business process or business system that has value which is more profitable for current and potential customers.
Another definition according to O'Brien & Marakas in his book Management Information System (2008) states that e-business is the use of internet technology to work and empower business processes, e-commerce and collaboration with business partners such as relationships with customers, suppliers and other business stakeholders.
Understanding and History of E-Commerce
E-Commerce is: Trading (selling / buying) through an electronic network where computers as a means are used to facilitate all company operations
The development of information technology, especially the internet, is a driving factor in the development of e-commerce. The internet is a global network that unites computer networks around the world, making communication and interaction possible with one another throughout the world. Until now the internet is an ideal infrastructure for running e-commerce, so that e-commerce has become synonymous in doing business on the internet.
By using information technology, e-commerce can be used as a solution to assist companies in developing companies and facing business pressures. The high business pressure that arises due to the high level of competition requires companies to be able to respond. E commerce can improve cost efficiency and productivity of the company, so that it can increase the company's ability to be consistent.
Relationship of E-Business and E-Commerce
There are 2 company operations in e-commerce, namely:
Internal side
(Part Finance, Part Marketing, Part Production and other functional parts).
External parties
(Customers, Suppliers, Government, Consumers, and other environments).
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying, selling, marketing of goods and services through electronic systems such as the internet, television, the world wide web, or other computer networks. E-commerce involves electronic fund transfers, electronic data exchanges, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. One of the networks used is the internet.
According to experts
E-business includes all things that must be done using information and communication technology (ICT) to conduct business activities between organizations and from organizations to consumers. (Sid L. Huff, et al. 2000. Cases in Electronic Commerce. McGraw-Hill)
According to Kalakota and Robinson (Kalakota, 2001) wrote that e-business is a complex blend of business processes, corporate applications and some organizational structure needed to produce a business model that has a much better performance than the previous situation .
E-business is the practice of implementing and managing key business processes such as product design, raw material supply management, manufacturing, sales, order fulfillment, and service provision through the use of computerized communication technology, computers and data. (Steven Alter. Information System: Foundation of E-Business. Prentice Hall, 2002).
According to Mohan Sawhney & Jeff Zabin in O'Brien & Marakas (2008) states that e-business is the use of electronic networks and related technologies to allow, strengthen, improve, change, or find a business process or business system that has value which is more profitable for current and potential customers.
Another definition according to O'Brien & Marakas in his book Management Information System (2008) states that e-business is the use of internet technology to work and empower business processes, e-commerce and collaboration with business partners such as relationships with customers, suppliers and other business stakeholders.
Understanding and History of E-Commerce
E-Commerce is: Trading (selling / buying) through an electronic network where computers as a means are used to facilitate all company operations
The development of information technology, especially the internet, is a driving factor in the development of e-commerce. The internet is a global network that unites computer networks around the world, making communication and interaction possible with one another throughout the world. Until now the internet is an ideal infrastructure for running e-commerce, so that e-commerce has become synonymous in doing business on the internet.
By using information technology, e-commerce can be used as a solution to assist companies in developing companies and facing business pressures. The high business pressure that arises due to the high level of competition requires companies to be able to respond. E commerce can improve cost efficiency and productivity of the company, so that it can increase the company's ability to be consistent.
Relationship of E-Business and E-Commerce
There are 2 company operations in e-commerce, namely:
Internal side
(Part Finance, Part Marketing, Part Production and other functional parts).
External parties
(Customers, Suppliers, Government, Consumers, and other environments).
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying, selling, marketing of goods and services through electronic systems such as the internet, television, the world wide web, or other computer networks. E-commerce involves electronic fund transfers, electronic data exchanges, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. One of the networks used is the internet.
Difference between E-Business and E-Commerce
Difference between E-Business and E-Commerce
E-Business and E-Commerce: Definition, Relationships, Advantages, Differences and Examples: Are transactions that are used without exchanges or physical contacts and transactions are conducted electronically or digitally, something is made possible by the rapid development of digital communication.
Definition of E-Business and E-Commerce
The prefix "E" is "electronic", which means activities or transactions that are used without exchange or physical contact. Transactions are held electronically or digitally, something is made possible by the rapid development of digital communication.
Understanding and History of E-Business
E-business or electronic business can be defined as activities related directly or indirectly to the process of exchanging goods or services by utilizing the internet as a medium of communication and transactions. E-business is also one of the applications of internet technology that penetrates the internal business world, encompassing systems, customer education, product development and business development.
The definition of e-business according to IBM is a safe, flexible and integrated approach to provide different business values by combining the systems and processes that run key business operations with the use of internet technology. From the concept that was popularized by IBM, eventually many large software companies participated in developing e-business services including the big four (IBM, Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft). The e-business services that they have developed have been integrated in a product package, including: IBM Business Solutions, Oracle Business Intelligence, SAP Business Suite and Microsoft Dynamics.
The concept of e-business is motivated by the crisis experienced by IBM that eventually replaced its CEO in 1993. The rapid growth of the internet starting in the mid-1990s, made many see it as a golden opportunity that could make the company superior, but many who have not been able to take advantage of the situation.
Seeing the circumstances that could change the way companies work, finally in 1995 Louis Gerstner, the CEO of IBM at that time managed to overcome the financial crisis experienced by IBM and scheduled how to make the internet become a useful business-to-business tool, with Dennie Welsh as Head of Integrated Systems Services Corporation (a subsidiary of IBM) at the time, and Marketing Executive John Patrick who had the same perception with him.
To handle the big plan, Gerstner finally formed the Internet Division under the leadership of Irving Wladawsky-Berger, with his task of formulating and launching the company's internet strategy in all business units. So in the fall of 1997, Louis Gerstner through IBM campaigned for marketing that was very creative to encourage and provide services so that every company could implement e-business and utilize the internet as business value.
E-Business and E-Commerce: Definition, Relationships, Advantages, Differences and Examples: Are transactions that are used without exchanges or physical contacts and transactions are conducted electronically or digitally, something is made possible by the rapid development of digital communication.
Definition of E-Business and E-Commerce
The prefix "E" is "electronic", which means activities or transactions that are used without exchange or physical contact. Transactions are held electronically or digitally, something is made possible by the rapid development of digital communication.
Understanding and History of E-Business
E-business or electronic business can be defined as activities related directly or indirectly to the process of exchanging goods or services by utilizing the internet as a medium of communication and transactions. E-business is also one of the applications of internet technology that penetrates the internal business world, encompassing systems, customer education, product development and business development.
The definition of e-business according to IBM is a safe, flexible and integrated approach to provide different business values by combining the systems and processes that run key business operations with the use of internet technology. From the concept that was popularized by IBM, eventually many large software companies participated in developing e-business services including the big four (IBM, Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft). The e-business services that they have developed have been integrated in a product package, including: IBM Business Solutions, Oracle Business Intelligence, SAP Business Suite and Microsoft Dynamics.
The concept of e-business is motivated by the crisis experienced by IBM that eventually replaced its CEO in 1993. The rapid growth of the internet starting in the mid-1990s, made many see it as a golden opportunity that could make the company superior, but many who have not been able to take advantage of the situation.
Seeing the circumstances that could change the way companies work, finally in 1995 Louis Gerstner, the CEO of IBM at that time managed to overcome the financial crisis experienced by IBM and scheduled how to make the internet become a useful business-to-business tool, with Dennie Welsh as Head of Integrated Systems Services Corporation (a subsidiary of IBM) at the time, and Marketing Executive John Patrick who had the same perception with him.
To handle the big plan, Gerstner finally formed the Internet Division under the leadership of Irving Wladawsky-Berger, with his task of formulating and launching the company's internet strategy in all business units. So in the fall of 1997, Louis Gerstner through IBM campaigned for marketing that was very creative to encourage and provide services so that every company could implement e-business and utilize the internet as business value.
The Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economy and National Development
The Role of Entrepreneurship in the Economy and National Development
The Role of Entrepreneurship in the National Economy
The Role of Entrepreneurs in the Economy and National Development - Entrepreneurs play an external or internal role. Externally, the entrepreneur acts as a provider of employment for job seekers. With the employment of existing employment opportunities, which have been provided by entrepreneurs, the national unemployment rate will be even less.
And internally the entrepreneur in reducing the level of dependence on others, can increase self-confidence, and increase purchasing power to the culprit.
With the decline in the unemployment rate can have a positive impact on the increase in income per capita and people's purchasing power, and the growth of the national economy. In addition, the growth of the per capita economy can impact the fall in crime that is usually caused by high unemployment.
Entrepreneurs have a very high role in doing entrepreneurship. The role of entrepreneurs in the country's economy, namely:
Creating jobs
Reducing unemployment
Increase community income
Combine the factors of production (nature, labor, capital and expertise)
Increase national productivity
national economy
The role of the entrepreneur in developing the national economy
Economic development is a process that causes the income per capita of the community to increase. Factors that influence economic development in developing countries. The goal in economic development is to increase national income and productivity. Factors that influence this in developing countries are:
Available manpower
Real natural resources (natural resources)
Technology and entrepreneurship
Socio-cultural characteristics of the community
The breadth of the market
The economic system used.
The labor and capital factor is an input which directly influences the amount of output. While the last five factors are inputs which indirectly affect the amount of output through capital gains.
Entrepreneurship can be interpreted as the concept of the ability to create something new and different to produce added value but by having the courage to face risks or uncertainties. Things that encourage attention to entrepreneurship, because research in various countries that have developed innovations and job opportunities related to establishing small and medium-sized businesses commonly called venture ventures.
Attention to entrepreneurs, namely as a creator of new job opportunities, new innovations, new income, new tax payments, all of which are referred to as sources of economic growth have also spread to developing countries.
In the development of developing countries where the development of entrepreneurs is still in the initial stages which have become obstacles in the country's economic growth. The status of development only requires the formation of capital (from within and outside the country) and also requires the formation of new entrepreneurs.
The Role of Entrepreneurship in the National Economy
The Role of Entrepreneurs in the Economy and National Development - Entrepreneurs play an external or internal role. Externally, the entrepreneur acts as a provider of employment for job seekers. With the employment of existing employment opportunities, which have been provided by entrepreneurs, the national unemployment rate will be even less.
And internally the entrepreneur in reducing the level of dependence on others, can increase self-confidence, and increase purchasing power to the culprit.
With the decline in the unemployment rate can have a positive impact on the increase in income per capita and people's purchasing power, and the growth of the national economy. In addition, the growth of the per capita economy can impact the fall in crime that is usually caused by high unemployment.
Entrepreneurs have a very high role in doing entrepreneurship. The role of entrepreneurs in the country's economy, namely:
Creating jobs
Reducing unemployment
Increase community income
Combine the factors of production (nature, labor, capital and expertise)
Increase national productivity
national economy
The role of the entrepreneur in developing the national economy
Economic development is a process that causes the income per capita of the community to increase. Factors that influence economic development in developing countries. The goal in economic development is to increase national income and productivity. Factors that influence this in developing countries are:
Available manpower
Real natural resources (natural resources)
Technology and entrepreneurship
Socio-cultural characteristics of the community
The breadth of the market
The economic system used.
The labor and capital factor is an input which directly influences the amount of output. While the last five factors are inputs which indirectly affect the amount of output through capital gains.
Entrepreneurship can be interpreted as the concept of the ability to create something new and different to produce added value but by having the courage to face risks or uncertainties. Things that encourage attention to entrepreneurship, because research in various countries that have developed innovations and job opportunities related to establishing small and medium-sized businesses commonly called venture ventures.
Attention to entrepreneurs, namely as a creator of new job opportunities, new innovations, new income, new tax payments, all of which are referred to as sources of economic growth have also spread to developing countries.
In the development of developing countries where the development of entrepreneurs is still in the initial stages which have become obstacles in the country's economic growth. The status of development only requires the formation of capital (from within and outside the country) and also requires the formation of new entrepreneurs.
State Budget Planning and Budgeting
State Budget Planning and Budgeting
Economic growth,
Nominal gross domestic product,
Y-o-y inflation,
The average SPN interest rate is 3 months,
The exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar,
Oil price (USD / barrel),
Oil production / lifting (MBPD),
Gas Lifting (MBOEPD),
Other indicators:
Of the population
From income per capita
From poverty level
From the unemployment rate
APBN cycle
The Budget Cycle (APBN) is a series of activities in the budgeting process starting when the unified state budget follows up on budget calculations authorized by law. There are 5 main stages in the budget cycle in Indonesia.
Of the five phases, phases 2 (second) and 5 (five) are not by the government, namely the determination of each phase / budget approval carried out by Parliament (legislative), and the fifth phase and accountability of audits carried out by the Supreme Audit Board (BPK). While the other phase is carried out by the government. The stages of the budget cycle activities are as follows:
State Budget Planning and Budgeting
This stage was carried out in the previous year by implementing a budget (APBN) for example: for the 2014 state budget which was carried out in 2013, which included two activities, such as planning and budgeting. From the planning stage:
Formulation of policy directions and national development priorities
Ministry of State / Institution (K / L) to evaluate the implementation of programs and activities in the current year, planning new initiatives and indicative budget needs.
The Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance evaluate the implementation of ongoing programs and activities and review proposed new initiatives based on development priorities and fulfill the indications of feasibility and efficiency of the analysis.
APBN Determination / Approval
Budget determination / approval activities are carried out in phase-1, around October to December. The activity in this phase is the discussion of the draft budget and the draft budget law, and adoption by Parliament. Furthermore, based on the approval of the DPR, the draft APBN Law is determined to be the APBN Law. The determination of the APBN Law is followed by the establishment of a Presidential Decree on the detailed budget as an attachment to the APBN Law.
State Budget Implementation
If in phases 1 and 2 carried out in t-1 APBN, APBN implementation activities are held from 1 January to 31 December in the current year (APBN t). In other words, the implementation of the 2014 fiscal year will be carried out from 1 January 2014-31 December 2014. The activities of the budget implementation by the government in this case are ministries / agencies (K / L).
APBN Reporting and Recording
Budget reporting and recording stages are held in conjunction with the budget implementation phase, January 1 - December 31. Government financial reports are produced by the accounting process, and are presented in accordance with government accounting standards consisting of Budget Realization Reports (LRA), Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Reports, and notes to financial statements.
The Business Entity is defined as a structured organization in managing the factors of production for profit. Another understanding Business entities in the book Competent Economy are juridical and economic entities that use factors of production to produce goods and services with the aim of making a profit.
Whereas the Company is an activity unit that carries out the management of production factors to provide goods and services for the community, distribute them, and make other efforts to obtain benefits and satisfy the needs of the community. There are several forms of business entities, among others, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Private-Owned Enterprises (BUMS), Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), and mixed business entities
Economic growth,
Nominal gross domestic product,
Y-o-y inflation,
The average SPN interest rate is 3 months,
The exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar,
Oil price (USD / barrel),
Oil production / lifting (MBPD),
Gas Lifting (MBOEPD),
Other indicators:
Of the population
From income per capita
From poverty level
From the unemployment rate
APBN cycle
The Budget Cycle (APBN) is a series of activities in the budgeting process starting when the unified state budget follows up on budget calculations authorized by law. There are 5 main stages in the budget cycle in Indonesia.
Of the five phases, phases 2 (second) and 5 (five) are not by the government, namely the determination of each phase / budget approval carried out by Parliament (legislative), and the fifth phase and accountability of audits carried out by the Supreme Audit Board (BPK). While the other phase is carried out by the government. The stages of the budget cycle activities are as follows:
State Budget Planning and Budgeting
This stage was carried out in the previous year by implementing a budget (APBN) for example: for the 2014 state budget which was carried out in 2013, which included two activities, such as planning and budgeting. From the planning stage:
Formulation of policy directions and national development priorities
Ministry of State / Institution (K / L) to evaluate the implementation of programs and activities in the current year, planning new initiatives and indicative budget needs.
The Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Finance evaluate the implementation of ongoing programs and activities and review proposed new initiatives based on development priorities and fulfill the indications of feasibility and efficiency of the analysis.
APBN Determination / Approval
Budget determination / approval activities are carried out in phase-1, around October to December. The activity in this phase is the discussion of the draft budget and the draft budget law, and adoption by Parliament. Furthermore, based on the approval of the DPR, the draft APBN Law is determined to be the APBN Law. The determination of the APBN Law is followed by the establishment of a Presidential Decree on the detailed budget as an attachment to the APBN Law.
State Budget Implementation
If in phases 1 and 2 carried out in t-1 APBN, APBN implementation activities are held from 1 January to 31 December in the current year (APBN t). In other words, the implementation of the 2014 fiscal year will be carried out from 1 January 2014-31 December 2014. The activities of the budget implementation by the government in this case are ministries / agencies (K / L).
APBN Reporting and Recording
Budget reporting and recording stages are held in conjunction with the budget implementation phase, January 1 - December 31. Government financial reports are produced by the accounting process, and are presented in accordance with government accounting standards consisting of Budget Realization Reports (LRA), Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Reports, and notes to financial statements.
The Business Entity is defined as a structured organization in managing the factors of production for profit. Another understanding Business entities in the book Competent Economy are juridical and economic entities that use factors of production to produce goods and services with the aim of making a profit.
Whereas the Company is an activity unit that carries out the management of production factors to provide goods and services for the community, distribute them, and make other efforts to obtain benefits and satisfy the needs of the community. There are several forms of business entities, among others, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Private-Owned Enterprises (BUMS), Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), and mixed business entities
Understanding of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
Understanding of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
State Budget (APBN) - Namely stands for state budget. In its scope there are two views, namely in the narrow sense and broad meaning. In the narrow sense is all state budget revenues, expenditure, and state financing, which in this case is defined as the government or state. Now, if in a broad sense it is added in the form of separated state assets.
State budget
Understanding of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
The annual financial plan of the Indonesian government approved by the House of Representatives (DPR). List of budgets containing systematic plans and detailed receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year (January 1 - December 31). The budget, changes in the state budget, and accountability of the state budget each year are determined by law.
Basic Law of the State Budget
The 1945 Constitution is the highest legal basis in the legal structure in Indonesia. Therefore, regulations regarding state finances are always based on this law, especially in chapter VIII of the 1945 Constitution Article Amendment IV 23 regulating the state budget (APBN).
APBN Structure
State Revenues and Grants,
State Shopping,
Primary Balance,
Budget Surplus / Deficit,
APBN Function
The budget is an instrument to regulate state expenditure and income in order to finance governance and development, achieve economic growth, increase national income, achieve economic stability, and determine the direction and priorities of development in general.
Budget authorization, planning, supervision, allocation, distribution and stabilization functions. All revenues and expenditures are correct that state duties in the given fiscal year must be included in the budget. Surplus income can be used to finance the state budget for the next fiscal year.
The authorization function, implies that the state budget is the basis for implementing revenue and expenditure for this year, thus, spending or revenue can be accounted to the public.
The planning function, implies that the state budget can be a guideline for the state to plan activities for this year. When spending is pre-planned, the country can make plans to support spending. For example, it has been planned and budgeted to build several billion road construction projects. Thus, the government can take action to prepare the project to run smoothly.
The oversight function, means that the state budget must be a guideline for assessing whether the activities of implementing the government of the country are in accordance with the stipulated provisions. Thus it will be easy for people to judge whether the government's actions to use state funds for certain purposes are justified or not.
The allocation function, means that the state budget must be directed to reduce unemployment and waste of resources and increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Distribution function, means that the state budget policy must take justice and propriety.
The stabilization function, which means that the government budget is a tool to maintain and work for the balance of economic fundamentals.
Basic Macroeconomic Assumptions of APBN
Basic macroeconomic assumptions are very influential on the magnitude of components in the APBN structure. The basic assumptions are:
State Budget (APBN) - Namely stands for state budget. In its scope there are two views, namely in the narrow sense and broad meaning. In the narrow sense is all state budget revenues, expenditure, and state financing, which in this case is defined as the government or state. Now, if in a broad sense it is added in the form of separated state assets.
State budget
Understanding of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget
The annual financial plan of the Indonesian government approved by the House of Representatives (DPR). List of budgets containing systematic plans and detailed receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year (January 1 - December 31). The budget, changes in the state budget, and accountability of the state budget each year are determined by law.
Basic Law of the State Budget
The 1945 Constitution is the highest legal basis in the legal structure in Indonesia. Therefore, regulations regarding state finances are always based on this law, especially in chapter VIII of the 1945 Constitution Article Amendment IV 23 regulating the state budget (APBN).
APBN Structure
State Revenues and Grants,
State Shopping,
Primary Balance,
Budget Surplus / Deficit,
APBN Function
The budget is an instrument to regulate state expenditure and income in order to finance governance and development, achieve economic growth, increase national income, achieve economic stability, and determine the direction and priorities of development in general.
Budget authorization, planning, supervision, allocation, distribution and stabilization functions. All revenues and expenditures are correct that state duties in the given fiscal year must be included in the budget. Surplus income can be used to finance the state budget for the next fiscal year.
The authorization function, implies that the state budget is the basis for implementing revenue and expenditure for this year, thus, spending or revenue can be accounted to the public.
The planning function, implies that the state budget can be a guideline for the state to plan activities for this year. When spending is pre-planned, the country can make plans to support spending. For example, it has been planned and budgeted to build several billion road construction projects. Thus, the government can take action to prepare the project to run smoothly.
The oversight function, means that the state budget must be a guideline for assessing whether the activities of implementing the government of the country are in accordance with the stipulated provisions. Thus it will be easy for people to judge whether the government's actions to use state funds for certain purposes are justified or not.
The allocation function, means that the state budget must be directed to reduce unemployment and waste of resources and increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Distribution function, means that the state budget policy must take justice and propriety.
The stabilization function, which means that the government budget is a tool to maintain and work for the balance of economic fundamentals.
Basic Macroeconomic Assumptions of APBN
Basic macroeconomic assumptions are very influential on the magnitude of components in the APBN structure. The basic assumptions are:
Description of Domestic Investment Business Entity
Description of Domestic Investment Business Entity
Domestic investment
Domestic Investment or abbreviated (PMDN) is an investment to conduct business in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which is carried out on domestic investors using domestic capital.
Provisions for Investments are regulated in Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment.
Domestic Investment (hereinafter referred to as "PMDN") pursuant to Article 1 of Law Number 25 Year 2007 concerning Investment ("UUPM"), investment activities to conduct business in the territory of the country, which are made by domestic investors using capital in country. The definition of a domestic investor is an individual Indonesian citizen, an Indonesian business entity, the Republic of Indonesia, or an investment area in the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesian business entities intended here may form a limited liability company ("PT").
Based on Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Capital Market Law, it explains that investment in the country can be carried out in the form of a business entity, a legal entity, not a legal entity, or an individual, in accordance with the provisions of the law. Article 5 (3) further explains the Capital Market Law, domestic and foreign investors who invest in PT is done by doing the following:
take part in shares at the time of establishment of a limited liability company;
buy shares; and
do other ways in accordance with the provisions of the legislation
Domestic investors can be carried out by individuals, State business entities and / or the government itself making investments in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Business activities or types of business open for investment activities, except business fields or types of business that are declared closed and open with the requirements and restrictions on ownership of the State assets of business transfer from companies are regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 36 Year 2010 concerning List of Changes in Closed and Open Business Sectors Business with requirements in the Investment or Investment Sector.
Special Facilities for PMDN
A fundamental difference in ordinary PT domestic investment companies and domestic investment to get facilities from the Indonesian government in operations where facilities are not acquired by ordinary PT. Based on Article 18 paragraph (2) of the Capital Market Law, it is clear that investment facilities can be provided to investors:
Investment in South Sumatra Reaches IDR 15.90 Trillion Until End of 2015
Investment in South Sumatra Reaches IDR 15.90 Trillion Until End of 2015
expand business; or
make new investments.
Furthermore, Article 18 paragraph (4) of the Capital Market Law describes the form of facilities provided by the government to investors, including domestic ones, to be able to:
Income tax through reduction of net income to a certain level of investment made within a certain time;
Exemption or relief of import duty on capital goods, machinery or equipment for production purposes that cannot be produced domestically;
Exemption or relief of import duty of raw materials or supporting materials for production needs for a certain period and certain requirements;
Exemption or suspension of Value Added Tax on the import of capital goods or machinery or equipment for production purposes that cannot be produced domestically for a certain period of time;
Depreciation or amortization; and
Land and building tax breaks, especially for certain sectors, in certain regions or regions or regions.
PMDN Ratification and Licensing
Pursuant to Article 25 paragraph (4) of the Capital Market Law, corporate investors, including domestic ones, who will carry out business activities are required to obtain a permit in accordance with the provisions of the legislation from an authorized agency. License as previously stated was obtained through a one stop service. The single service counter is intended to assist investors in obtaining ease of service, fiscal facilities, and investment information, both domestic investment and foreign direct investment.
Domestic investment
Domestic Investment or abbreviated (PMDN) is an investment to conduct business in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia which is carried out on domestic investors using domestic capital.
Provisions for Investments are regulated in Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment.
Domestic Investment (hereinafter referred to as "PMDN") pursuant to Article 1 of Law Number 25 Year 2007 concerning Investment ("UUPM"), investment activities to conduct business in the territory of the country, which are made by domestic investors using capital in country. The definition of a domestic investor is an individual Indonesian citizen, an Indonesian business entity, the Republic of Indonesia, or an investment area in the Republic of Indonesia. Indonesian business entities intended here may form a limited liability company ("PT").
Based on Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Capital Market Law, it explains that investment in the country can be carried out in the form of a business entity, a legal entity, not a legal entity, or an individual, in accordance with the provisions of the law. Article 5 (3) further explains the Capital Market Law, domestic and foreign investors who invest in PT is done by doing the following:
take part in shares at the time of establishment of a limited liability company;
buy shares; and
do other ways in accordance with the provisions of the legislation
Domestic investors can be carried out by individuals, State business entities and / or the government itself making investments in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Business activities or types of business open for investment activities, except business fields or types of business that are declared closed and open with the requirements and restrictions on ownership of the State assets of business transfer from companies are regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 36 Year 2010 concerning List of Changes in Closed and Open Business Sectors Business with requirements in the Investment or Investment Sector.
Special Facilities for PMDN
A fundamental difference in ordinary PT domestic investment companies and domestic investment to get facilities from the Indonesian government in operations where facilities are not acquired by ordinary PT. Based on Article 18 paragraph (2) of the Capital Market Law, it is clear that investment facilities can be provided to investors:
Investment in South Sumatra Reaches IDR 15.90 Trillion Until End of 2015
Investment in South Sumatra Reaches IDR 15.90 Trillion Until End of 2015
expand business; or
make new investments.
Furthermore, Article 18 paragraph (4) of the Capital Market Law describes the form of facilities provided by the government to investors, including domestic ones, to be able to:
Income tax through reduction of net income to a certain level of investment made within a certain time;
Exemption or relief of import duty on capital goods, machinery or equipment for production purposes that cannot be produced domestically;
Exemption or relief of import duty of raw materials or supporting materials for production needs for a certain period and certain requirements;
Exemption or suspension of Value Added Tax on the import of capital goods or machinery or equipment for production purposes that cannot be produced domestically for a certain period of time;
Depreciation or amortization; and
Land and building tax breaks, especially for certain sectors, in certain regions or regions or regions.
PMDN Ratification and Licensing
Pursuant to Article 25 paragraph (4) of the Capital Market Law, corporate investors, including domestic ones, who will carry out business activities are required to obtain a permit in accordance with the provisions of the legislation from an authorized agency. License as previously stated was obtained through a one stop service. The single service counter is intended to assist investors in obtaining ease of service, fiscal facilities, and investment information, both domestic investment and foreign direct investment.
Weaknesses in Commercial Commerce
Weaknesses in Commercial Commerce
Misunderstandings or disputes between partners and partners will make the commercial design and travel and may lead to the dissolution of the partnership.
Liabilities that are usually not limited will cause individuals / partners to lose their personal assets if the business faces problems in paying back its debts.
The mistakes of a joint venture partner will bind the partners of other joint ventures. This is because each partner has the same responsibility for the partnership. All losses will be borne together even if caused by only a joint venture partner.
Commercial partnership is impermanent. If a joint venture partner becomes unconscious, bankrupt or dies, the partnership may have to be dissolved.
Capital accumulation is still limited in the environment of a maximum of 20 people. Then the development of commerce is dependent on this limited source of capital.
The characteristics of partnership trade are
Kongi Partner Ownership
the partnership is defined as the relationship between two or more people who carry out joint commerce to obtain profits.
joint venture partners are in the environment of 2 to 20 people (generally).
for a bank or stock broker partnership, the number of partners does not exceed 10 people.
for partnerships involving professions such as lawyers and akauntans, partnerships do not exceed 50 people.
a trip to a partnership is stipulated under the 1961 Agreement Act.
The commercial trade was also conquered under the 1956 Commerce Registration Act.
Kongi's colleague
may be written orally.
usually forming a joint agreement in the form of a partnership agreement called a partnership agreement to avoid disputes.
The contents of the agreement include the name of the firm, the names of all partners, types and places of trade, profit / loss sharing ratio, allocation of rights and responsibilities of the partners, how to run the trade and how the partnership will be finalized.
a partnership may be without agreement but it is subject to conquest in the 1961 Agreement on Deed.
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Basic Forms of Business Ownership
Even though the forms of business ownership vary by country, there are several forms that are considered common, such as:
Private company
A private company is a business that has ownership in one person. Individual company owners have unlimited responsibility for company assets. In a sense, if the business suffers a loss, the owner is obliged to bear all the losses.
Partnership is a business where two or more people work together to operate the company as profit income. As with an individual company, each partner (member of the alliance) has unlimited responsibility for company assets. And a partnership company can be divided into two, namely limited partnership and firm.
The company is a business whose ownership is held by several people and overseen by a board of directors. Each owner has limited responsibility for company ownership.
Cooperative is a business whose members are legal entities of cooperatives or people by basing their activities on the principle of cooperatives and at the same time as a people's economic movement that has a family principle. Cooperatives have a goal as a welfare of its members. The main characteristic of cooperatives is to differentiate other business entities, namely cooperative members have multiple identities, meaning that cooperative members are owners and users of cooperative services.
Misunderstandings or disputes between partners and partners will make the commercial design and travel and may lead to the dissolution of the partnership.
Liabilities that are usually not limited will cause individuals / partners to lose their personal assets if the business faces problems in paying back its debts.
The mistakes of a joint venture partner will bind the partners of other joint ventures. This is because each partner has the same responsibility for the partnership. All losses will be borne together even if caused by only a joint venture partner.
Commercial partnership is impermanent. If a joint venture partner becomes unconscious, bankrupt or dies, the partnership may have to be dissolved.
Capital accumulation is still limited in the environment of a maximum of 20 people. Then the development of commerce is dependent on this limited source of capital.
The characteristics of partnership trade are
Kongi Partner Ownership
the partnership is defined as the relationship between two or more people who carry out joint commerce to obtain profits.
joint venture partners are in the environment of 2 to 20 people (generally).
for a bank or stock broker partnership, the number of partners does not exceed 10 people.
for partnerships involving professions such as lawyers and akauntans, partnerships do not exceed 50 people.
a trip to a partnership is stipulated under the 1961 Agreement Act.
The commercial trade was also conquered under the 1956 Commerce Registration Act.
Kongi's colleague
may be written orally.
usually forming a joint agreement in the form of a partnership agreement called a partnership agreement to avoid disputes.
The contents of the agreement include the name of the firm, the names of all partners, types and places of trade, profit / loss sharing ratio, allocation of rights and responsibilities of the partners, how to run the trade and how the partnership will be finalized.
a partnership may be without agreement but it is subject to conquest in the 1961 Agreement on Deed.
Also Read Articles That May Be Related: Definition of Trading Commodities - Characteristics, Type, Fuel, Industry
Basic Forms of Business Ownership
Even though the forms of business ownership vary by country, there are several forms that are considered common, such as:
Private company
A private company is a business that has ownership in one person. Individual company owners have unlimited responsibility for company assets. In a sense, if the business suffers a loss, the owner is obliged to bear all the losses.
Partnership is a business where two or more people work together to operate the company as profit income. As with an individual company, each partner (member of the alliance) has unlimited responsibility for company assets. And a partnership company can be divided into two, namely limited partnership and firm.
The company is a business whose ownership is held by several people and overseen by a board of directors. Each owner has limited responsibility for company ownership.
Cooperative is a business whose members are legal entities of cooperatives or people by basing their activities on the principle of cooperatives and at the same time as a people's economic movement that has a family principle. Cooperatives have a goal as a welfare of its members. The main characteristic of cooperatives is to differentiate other business entities, namely cooperative members have multiple identities, meaning that cooperative members are owners and users of cooperative services.
Goodness of Commercial Business
Goodness of Commercial Business
Among these are the name of the partnership, the location of the trade, the number and name of the work, the activities of the trade carried out, where the records of the accounts are stored, the administration or collection of power in the partnership, the determination of the level of profit or loss, the designation and take-up of the workload and the level of benefits imposed, capital contribution for each workplace, allotment of the value of capital, salary for workers involved in the daily business affairs, assets of the partnership, police perakaunan followed, perakaunan life period, the field of power of officials, the field of authority, salary, bonuses and the status of Pekongsi.
In addition, there is also an agreement without agreement in which the dealings of an agreement are made based on Section 26 of the Deed of 1961 Pekongsi.
Letter of Subsection 26 of the Deed of Divination explains that the partnership is sharing equally on the gains or losses of the partnership, each claim is entitled to receive 8% benefit a year and more than the introduction, the loan given to the trading partnership and the worker is entitled to benefit from the capital only after the profit is determined.
Besides that, every worker has the right to take care of commerce. However, no salary is given even though the worker is involved in daily business affairs. A worker is also not accepted without the approval of all workers. In this section, it is also written that the decision of the majority is accepted if the form of change is related to commerce, but if the partnership wants to change trade activities, unanimous decision (100%) must be obtained, and the books and records of the association are kept on the premise of the trade. Each worker has the right to check and make copies of these records. If the contract does not make any agreements or if the agreement is made but does not cover certain cases, the allotment in the Deed of Agreement relating to the cases above is used. A partnership only needs to report the financial statement to the Domestic Results Institute (LHDN) for the purpose of estimating excise duty. Accounts for a partnership do not need to be audited. Every employee may not open the same trade as the trade carried out by the partnership. Section 32 of the 1961 Agreement Deed devoted to the Pekongsi carrying out the same trade as the partnership needing to pay for the sharing of all profits.
Goodness of Commercial Business
More capital can be collected.
Can use expertise from joint partners who are likely to have different skills, knowledge and experience.
The specialization of work can be done with the existence of various skills and expertise from the partners' partnerships.
Business risks can be spread (shared) between joint partners.
Competition can be reduced through partnership, with that shopping for competition can be allocated to increase sales and develop commerce.
Partnerships are still easier to establish than companies or cooperatives. It only needs to be registered with the Registrar of Commerce and get trade license from the local authorities.
Among these are the name of the partnership, the location of the trade, the number and name of the work, the activities of the trade carried out, where the records of the accounts are stored, the administration or collection of power in the partnership, the determination of the level of profit or loss, the designation and take-up of the workload and the level of benefits imposed, capital contribution for each workplace, allotment of the value of capital, salary for workers involved in the daily business affairs, assets of the partnership, police perakaunan followed, perakaunan life period, the field of power of officials, the field of authority, salary, bonuses and the status of Pekongsi.
In addition, there is also an agreement without agreement in which the dealings of an agreement are made based on Section 26 of the Deed of 1961 Pekongsi.
Letter of Subsection 26 of the Deed of Divination explains that the partnership is sharing equally on the gains or losses of the partnership, each claim is entitled to receive 8% benefit a year and more than the introduction, the loan given to the trading partnership and the worker is entitled to benefit from the capital only after the profit is determined.
Besides that, every worker has the right to take care of commerce. However, no salary is given even though the worker is involved in daily business affairs. A worker is also not accepted without the approval of all workers. In this section, it is also written that the decision of the majority is accepted if the form of change is related to commerce, but if the partnership wants to change trade activities, unanimous decision (100%) must be obtained, and the books and records of the association are kept on the premise of the trade. Each worker has the right to check and make copies of these records. If the contract does not make any agreements or if the agreement is made but does not cover certain cases, the allotment in the Deed of Agreement relating to the cases above is used. A partnership only needs to report the financial statement to the Domestic Results Institute (LHDN) for the purpose of estimating excise duty. Accounts for a partnership do not need to be audited. Every employee may not open the same trade as the trade carried out by the partnership. Section 32 of the 1961 Agreement Deed devoted to the Pekongsi carrying out the same trade as the partnership needing to pay for the sharing of all profits.
Goodness of Commercial Business
More capital can be collected.
Can use expertise from joint partners who are likely to have different skills, knowledge and experience.
The specialization of work can be done with the existence of various skills and expertise from the partners' partnerships.
Business risks can be spread (shared) between joint partners.
Competition can be reduced through partnership, with that shopping for competition can be allocated to increase sales and develop commerce.
Partnerships are still easier to establish than companies or cooperatives. It only needs to be registered with the Registrar of Commerce and get trade license from the local authorities.
Difficult to Develop Due to Limited Capital
Difficult to Develop Due to Limited Capital
A single commerce or a single milikan trade is the most basic business entity which only involves an individual as the owner. This type of commerce is easy to establish, does not require large capital but is difficult to develop. A single trade will dissolve by itself if the owner dies. A single commerce will also disperse if the owner no longer carries out the trade.
For example, if a business makes a profit, the profit is the owner's personal property. Conversely, if the business suffers a loss, the loss is also the loss or loss of the owner's property. Thus, in a single milikan trade, the owner's liability is unlimited. This means, if the merchant has indefinable debts due to a loss, the creditor has the right to claim the private property of the owner of the trade as compensation for the non-serviced commercial debt.
The merits and weaknesses of a single commerce can be summarized as follows: -
The virtues of a single commerce
Easy to set up
The owner has the absolute power to oversee the commerce
Any decision involving commerce can be decided immediately because the owner does not need to refer to or talk with others
Excise tax structure based on individual opinion (owner) excise
Does not require complex financial statements.
Single commercial weaknesses
Difficult to develop due to limited capital
It is difficult to get capital financing because investors are more likely to invest in more stable institutions and financial institutions also require a firm guarantee rather than commerce
Liabiliti is not limited
Commerce will automatically disperse if the owner dies.
Example of Sole Proprietorship
Commerce shop distended
The stitch shop
Coffee / food shop business or restaurant
Hawker moves
Pegerai, and so on.
Commercialization of partnership
Commercial partnership is established if capital is combined and a partnership between at least two joint partners applies. In a commercial venture like this, all joint venture partners are joint owners who will share any profits or risks. In connection with that, in the establishment of a partnership there are several characteristics that need to be taken to know which is the pillar of the establishment of a partnership.
Partnership agreement
The reality of a partnership is the result of several agreements made. A partnership agreement is necessary for a partnership to take care of a travel arrangement for a partnership. A partnership agreement is also a bond agreement to start the partnership. In this association, several cases have been determined, such as the rights of each worker, the obligation and responsibility of each worker.
A partnership agreement has a specific purpose, which is to avoid any misunderstanding that might arise between the people in the future and ensure that each person plays a role as agreed in the agreement. Accordingly, there are several details contained in the partnership agreement.
A single commerce or a single milikan trade is the most basic business entity which only involves an individual as the owner. This type of commerce is easy to establish, does not require large capital but is difficult to develop. A single trade will dissolve by itself if the owner dies. A single commerce will also disperse if the owner no longer carries out the trade.
For example, if a business makes a profit, the profit is the owner's personal property. Conversely, if the business suffers a loss, the loss is also the loss or loss of the owner's property. Thus, in a single milikan trade, the owner's liability is unlimited. This means, if the merchant has indefinable debts due to a loss, the creditor has the right to claim the private property of the owner of the trade as compensation for the non-serviced commercial debt.
The merits and weaknesses of a single commerce can be summarized as follows: -
The virtues of a single commerce
Easy to set up
The owner has the absolute power to oversee the commerce
Any decision involving commerce can be decided immediately because the owner does not need to refer to or talk with others
Excise tax structure based on individual opinion (owner) excise
Does not require complex financial statements.
Single commercial weaknesses
Difficult to develop due to limited capital
It is difficult to get capital financing because investors are more likely to invest in more stable institutions and financial institutions also require a firm guarantee rather than commerce
Liabiliti is not limited
Commerce will automatically disperse if the owner dies.
Example of Sole Proprietorship
Commerce shop distended
The stitch shop
Coffee / food shop business or restaurant
Hawker moves
Pegerai, and so on.
Commercialization of partnership
Commercial partnership is established if capital is combined and a partnership between at least two joint partners applies. In a commercial venture like this, all joint venture partners are joint owners who will share any profits or risks. In connection with that, in the establishment of a partnership there are several characteristics that need to be taken to know which is the pillar of the establishment of a partnership.
Partnership agreement
The reality of a partnership is the result of several agreements made. A partnership agreement is necessary for a partnership to take care of a travel arrangement for a partnership. A partnership agreement is also a bond agreement to start the partnership. In this association, several cases have been determined, such as the rights of each worker, the obligation and responsibility of each worker.
A partnership agreement has a specific purpose, which is to avoid any misunderstanding that might arise between the people in the future and ensure that each person plays a role as agreed in the agreement. Accordingly, there are several details contained in the partnership agreement.
Commerce Classification, Manufacture and Service Commerce
Commerce Classification, Manufacture and Service Commerce
Commerce consists of various types, and the various consequences, commerce can be grouped in different ways. Among other things, there are many ways that can be used to classify businesses that combine trade with activities based on profit making.
Commerce ethics is important because it will adapt commerce to the values and reach of the community. Entrepreneurs and businesses are thought to comply with the Deed and Local Law. Apart from regulations and trade deeds, ethical decisions can strengthen relations and trust in the world of commerce. Commercial decisions that are not ethical not only eliminate customer trust but also weaken the commerce in the future.
An example of an unethical trading situation is like half the sellers who charge different prices to different customers. This usually applies in the night market or retail store. This is said to be less ethical and is prohibited by law.
Manufacturing is a trade that produces a product that comes from raw goods or components, and then is sold to make a profit. For example, manufacturing is a company that can produce physical goods such as trains or pipelines.
Service Commerce
A service trade is a trade that can produce goods that are not equilibrium, and generate profits by asking for payment for services already provided. Examples of service trade are consultants and psychology.
Distributors and retailers
Dealers and retailers are parties who have the role as intermediaries between the manufacturer and the user. Most customer-oriented stores and companies are retailers or dealers.
National Commerce and Agriculture
National and agricultural trade is a trade that can produce spoiled goods, such as plants or minerals.
Financial Commerce
Financial Commerce is a trade that has the goal of getting a profit rather than investment and management of a capital.
Business Information
Informal commerce is a commerce that can produce a profit from the resale of intellectual property.
Ultiliti is a business that can control services for ordinary people, such as water and electricity, and is usually funded by the government.
Treasury business
Hartanah trade is a trade that can generate profits by selling, compounding, and developing property, baungunan, and houses.
Transportation Commerce
Freight Commerce is a trade that gets a profit from how to deliver goods or individuals from one place to another.
Commerce Classification
Types of Commerce
Sole Proprietorship
A single milikan trade is a commerce run by individuals and owned entirely by individuals. Because it is the property of the individual, the owner of the trade has absolute power to oversee the journey and operation of the trade. The owner and merchant or trade organization is referred to as the same entity. There is no separation between the two. This means that the assets of the trade are also individual assets, the owner of the trade. Therefore, any problem involving commerce is directly involving the interests of individuals or owners.
Commerce consists of various types, and the various consequences, commerce can be grouped in different ways. Among other things, there are many ways that can be used to classify businesses that combine trade with activities based on profit making.
Commerce ethics is important because it will adapt commerce to the values and reach of the community. Entrepreneurs and businesses are thought to comply with the Deed and Local Law. Apart from regulations and trade deeds, ethical decisions can strengthen relations and trust in the world of commerce. Commercial decisions that are not ethical not only eliminate customer trust but also weaken the commerce in the future.
An example of an unethical trading situation is like half the sellers who charge different prices to different customers. This usually applies in the night market or retail store. This is said to be less ethical and is prohibited by law.
Manufacturing is a trade that produces a product that comes from raw goods or components, and then is sold to make a profit. For example, manufacturing is a company that can produce physical goods such as trains or pipelines.
Service Commerce
A service trade is a trade that can produce goods that are not equilibrium, and generate profits by asking for payment for services already provided. Examples of service trade are consultants and psychology.
Distributors and retailers
Dealers and retailers are parties who have the role as intermediaries between the manufacturer and the user. Most customer-oriented stores and companies are retailers or dealers.
National Commerce and Agriculture
National and agricultural trade is a trade that can produce spoiled goods, such as plants or minerals.
Financial Commerce
Financial Commerce is a trade that has the goal of getting a profit rather than investment and management of a capital.
Business Information
Informal commerce is a commerce that can produce a profit from the resale of intellectual property.
Ultiliti is a business that can control services for ordinary people, such as water and electricity, and is usually funded by the government.
Treasury business
Hartanah trade is a trade that can generate profits by selling, compounding, and developing property, baungunan, and houses.
Transportation Commerce
Freight Commerce is a trade that gets a profit from how to deliver goods or individuals from one place to another.
Commerce Classification
Types of Commerce
Sole Proprietorship
A single milikan trade is a commerce run by individuals and owned entirely by individuals. Because it is the property of the individual, the owner of the trade has absolute power to oversee the journey and operation of the trade. The owner and merchant or trade organization is referred to as the same entity. There is no separation between the two. This means that the assets of the trade are also individual assets, the owner of the trade. Therefore, any problem involving commerce is directly involving the interests of individuals or owners.
Included in the Group of Commercial Workers in the Corporate Environment
Included in the Group of Commercial Workers in the Corporate Environment
The opinions of other legal scholars regarding the relationship between the two laws are as follows:
Van Kan assumed, that Commercial Law is an additional Civil Law, which is an addition that regulates specific matters. Per KUH contains the Civil Code in the narrow sense, while the KUHD contains the additions which regulate specific matters of civil law in the narrow sense.
Van Apeldoorn considers Commercial Law a special part of the engagement law field that cannot be specified in Book III of the Indonesian Penal Code.
Sukrdono stated that Article 1 of the KUHD maintains a unity between General Civil Law and Commercial Law ... only that the KUHD does not specifically deviate from the KUH Per.
Tirtaamidjaja stated that Commercial Law is a special Civil Law.
In relation to Commercial Law and Civil Law, we can also compare it with the relevant legal system in Switzerland. Just as in our homeland, in Switzerland also applies two codifications, both of which regulate civil law together. Mediation in Commercial Law
A trader, especially someone who runs a large and meaningful company, usually cannot work alone. In running his company he needs the help of people who work for him as a subordinate, or people who stand alone and have their own company and who have permanent or non-permanent relations with him.
As a result of the rapid growth of trade today, most entrepreneurs no longer try to be alone, but unite in alliances or companies that occupy buildings for offices with few employees. People then differentiate between small companies (which have 1-5 workers), medium companies (number of workers 5-50 people), and large companies (the number of workers is more than 50 people).
In each shop, you can see the different colors of workers, such as salespeople, recipients of money, packers, and others. All of them operate in their respective positions and can be considered as substitutes for the ruler himself, who acts as his representative in relations with the outside world or with third parties. They are all intermediaries. According to Prof. Sukardono belongs to the groups of business servants or business workers (handelsbedienden).
Included in the group of commercial workers in the corporate environment are:
Company leader (manager);
Holders of procuration (procurantie houder or general agent);
Traders traveling around (commercial travelers).
In addition there are also groups of intermediaries who work outside the corporate environment, such as:
Commercial agent (commercial agent);
Broker (broker);
Commissioner (factor);
Bank entrepreneur.
Business Ethics
Business ethics are moral principles which are standard of business behavior which are accepted by the merchant community and the world of commerce. It is a set of values and rules that encompass good or bad rules in a commercial operation. In the custom of the kingdom, the crowds, competitors and individuals determine what may be generally accepted. For example, a businessman who is ethical in his habits is an honest and trustworthy person.
On November 8, 1983, the Malaysian Trade Practice Ethics (EAPM) was launched by the Malaysian Minister of Trade and Industry. This ethic is a royal effort to create awareness among the merchants so that they have moral and social responsibilities. This ethic is manifested because of the insistence of movement that states against the increase in various practices that are not healthy, for example unsatisfactory services and the bazing of goods in the market.
The opinions of other legal scholars regarding the relationship between the two laws are as follows:
Van Kan assumed, that Commercial Law is an additional Civil Law, which is an addition that regulates specific matters. Per KUH contains the Civil Code in the narrow sense, while the KUHD contains the additions which regulate specific matters of civil law in the narrow sense.
Van Apeldoorn considers Commercial Law a special part of the engagement law field that cannot be specified in Book III of the Indonesian Penal Code.
Sukrdono stated that Article 1 of the KUHD maintains a unity between General Civil Law and Commercial Law ... only that the KUHD does not specifically deviate from the KUH Per.
Tirtaamidjaja stated that Commercial Law is a special Civil Law.
In relation to Commercial Law and Civil Law, we can also compare it with the relevant legal system in Switzerland. Just as in our homeland, in Switzerland also applies two codifications, both of which regulate civil law together. Mediation in Commercial Law
A trader, especially someone who runs a large and meaningful company, usually cannot work alone. In running his company he needs the help of people who work for him as a subordinate, or people who stand alone and have their own company and who have permanent or non-permanent relations with him.
As a result of the rapid growth of trade today, most entrepreneurs no longer try to be alone, but unite in alliances or companies that occupy buildings for offices with few employees. People then differentiate between small companies (which have 1-5 workers), medium companies (number of workers 5-50 people), and large companies (the number of workers is more than 50 people).
In each shop, you can see the different colors of workers, such as salespeople, recipients of money, packers, and others. All of them operate in their respective positions and can be considered as substitutes for the ruler himself, who acts as his representative in relations with the outside world or with third parties. They are all intermediaries. According to Prof. Sukardono belongs to the groups of business servants or business workers (handelsbedienden).
Included in the group of commercial workers in the corporate environment are:
Company leader (manager);
Holders of procuration (procurantie houder or general agent);
Traders traveling around (commercial travelers).
In addition there are also groups of intermediaries who work outside the corporate environment, such as:
Commercial agent (commercial agent);
Broker (broker);
Commissioner (factor);
Bank entrepreneur.
Business Ethics
Business ethics are moral principles which are standard of business behavior which are accepted by the merchant community and the world of commerce. It is a set of values and rules that encompass good or bad rules in a commercial operation. In the custom of the kingdom, the crowds, competitors and individuals determine what may be generally accepted. For example, a businessman who is ethical in his habits is an honest and trustworthy person.
On November 8, 1983, the Malaysian Trade Practice Ethics (EAPM) was launched by the Malaysian Minister of Trade and Industry. This ethic is a royal effort to create awareness among the merchants so that they have moral and social responsibilities. This ethic is manifested because of the insistence of movement that states against the increase in various practices that are not healthy, for example unsatisfactory services and the bazing of goods in the market.
Systematics of Commercial Law
Systematics of Commercial Law
The commercial law system in broad terms can be divided into 2, namely:
Written commercial law, is a law that is written or stated in the legislation. Example: criminal law is written on the Criminal Code, civil law written on the Civil Code.
Written commercial law, is a law that is not written down or not listed in the legislation. Example: customary law is not written down or not listed in the legislation but obeyed by certain regions.
Initially, the KUHD consisted of 3 books, then it was separated and now only two books remained. Book I KUHD regulates "trade in general" including bookkeeping, types of companies and business entities, trading exchanges, brokers, and cashiers; commissioners, senders , pedati, boat owners in river waters, securities, checks, promissory notes and receipts, billboards or retribution in bankruptcy; liability in general, as well as various kinds of coverage.
Book II of the KUHD regulates "rights and obligations resulting from shipping or shipping". Regulated in Book II of the Indonesian Criminal Code include ships and their cargo; ship businessmen; ship captains, crew members, ship passengers; sea work agreements, ship charter, transportation of goods, transportation of people, and others.
Relationship of Civil Law with KUHD
Prof. Subekti, S. H. is of the opinion that the existence of the KUHD besides the Civil Code is currently considered out of place, because actually the Commercial Law is nothing other than the Civil Law, and the word "trade" is not a legal sense, but an economic sense.
As we have seen, the division of Civil Law into KUH Per and KUHD is only based on history, that is because in Roman Law (which is the most important source of Western European Civil Law) regulations are not yet well known as currently contained in the KUHD, because trade between countries just started developing in the middle ages. In the Netherlands there is now a flow that aims to eliminate the separation of Civil Law in the two books of the law (aiming to unite Civil Law and Commercial Law in a single statute book).
In several other countries, such as the United States and Switzerland, there is no Book of Commercial Law separate from the KUH Perd. Previously, the regulations contained in the Criminal Code were intended only for traders, for example:
Only merchants are allowed to make money orders
Only traders can be declared bankrupt, but currently the KUHD applies to everyone, also non-traders as well as the KUH Per applies to everyone including a trader. In fact it can be said that the most important source of commercial law is the KUH Per. This is indeed stated in Article 1 of the KUHD, which reads: "Per KUH can also apply in matters stipulated in the KUHD only that the KUHD does not specifically deviate from Kuh Per".
This means that for matters regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code as long as there are no specific rules that are different, the rules in the Criminal Procedure Code also apply. According to Prof. Subekti, it has thus been acknowledged that the position of the KUHD against KUH Per is as a special law against general law. In other words according to Prof. Sudiman Kartohadiprojo, KUHD is a lex specialis to KUH Per as a lex generalis, then as lex specialis if if there is a provision in the KUHD there are provisions on the KUHD, then the provisions in the KUHD apply.
The commercial law system in broad terms can be divided into 2, namely:
Written commercial law, is a law that is written or stated in the legislation. Example: criminal law is written on the Criminal Code, civil law written on the Civil Code.
Written commercial law, is a law that is not written down or not listed in the legislation. Example: customary law is not written down or not listed in the legislation but obeyed by certain regions.
Initially, the KUHD consisted of 3 books, then it was separated and now only two books remained. Book I KUHD regulates "trade in general" including bookkeeping, types of companies and business entities, trading exchanges, brokers, and cashiers; commissioners, senders , pedati, boat owners in river waters, securities, checks, promissory notes and receipts, billboards or retribution in bankruptcy; liability in general, as well as various kinds of coverage.
Book II of the KUHD regulates "rights and obligations resulting from shipping or shipping". Regulated in Book II of the Indonesian Criminal Code include ships and their cargo; ship businessmen; ship captains, crew members, ship passengers; sea work agreements, ship charter, transportation of goods, transportation of people, and others.
Relationship of Civil Law with KUHD
Prof. Subekti, S. H. is of the opinion that the existence of the KUHD besides the Civil Code is currently considered out of place, because actually the Commercial Law is nothing other than the Civil Law, and the word "trade" is not a legal sense, but an economic sense.
As we have seen, the division of Civil Law into KUH Per and KUHD is only based on history, that is because in Roman Law (which is the most important source of Western European Civil Law) regulations are not yet well known as currently contained in the KUHD, because trade between countries just started developing in the middle ages. In the Netherlands there is now a flow that aims to eliminate the separation of Civil Law in the two books of the law (aiming to unite Civil Law and Commercial Law in a single statute book).
In several other countries, such as the United States and Switzerland, there is no Book of Commercial Law separate from the KUH Perd. Previously, the regulations contained in the Criminal Code were intended only for traders, for example:
Only merchants are allowed to make money orders
Only traders can be declared bankrupt, but currently the KUHD applies to everyone, also non-traders as well as the KUH Per applies to everyone including a trader. In fact it can be said that the most important source of commercial law is the KUH Per. This is indeed stated in Article 1 of the KUHD, which reads: "Per KUH can also apply in matters stipulated in the KUHD only that the KUHD does not specifically deviate from Kuh Per".
This means that for matters regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code as long as there are no specific rules that are different, the rules in the Criminal Procedure Code also apply. According to Prof. Subekti, it has thus been acknowledged that the position of the KUHD against KUH Per is as a special law against general law. In other words according to Prof. Sudiman Kartohadiprojo, KUHD is a lex specialis to KUH Per as a lex generalis, then as lex specialis if if there is a provision in the KUHD there are provisions on the KUHD, then the provisions in the KUHD apply.
Commerce in Commercial Law
Commerce in Commercial Law
Commercial Law Sources
Sources of commercial law are places where regulations regarding commercial law can be obtained. Some sources of commercial law are;
Criminal Code (KUHD)
KUHD regulates various engagements related to the development of the company's legal field. As a codified regulation, the KUHD still has shortcomings in which these deficiencies are regulated by other laws and regulations.
Civil Code (Civil Code)
In accordance with article 1 of the KUHD, the Civil Code becomes a source of commercial law as long as the KUHD does not regulate certain matters and certain things are regulated in the Civil Code in particular book III. It can be said that the Civil Code regulates examinations in general or for people in general. Whereas KUHD is more specifically aimed at the interests of traders.
Besides KUHD, there are still several other laws and regulations governing commercial law, including;
a) Law No 10 of 1998 concerning Banking
b) Law No. 1 of 1995 concerning Limited Liability Companies (PT)
c) Law No. 7 of 1987 concerning Copyright
d) Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Business Competition
e) Law No. 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets
Habits that are carried out continuously and uninterruptedly and have been accepted by the community in general and traders in particular, can also be used as a source of law in Commercial Law. This is in accordance with article 1339 of the Civil Code that an agreement is not only binding that is explicitly promised, but is also bound by customs that are in accordance with the agreement. For example about giving commissions, buying and selling in installments, and so on.
Agreement made by the parties
Based on article 1338 of the Civil Code it is stated that agreements made legally apply as a law for those who make them. In this case, the agreement, agreement or agreement plays a role for the parties. For example in article 1477 of the Civil Code which stipulates that as long as there is no other agreement, the handover takes place at the place where the goods are at the time the agreement occurs. For example, delivery of goods is agreed with the FOB (Free On Board) clause, then delivery of goods is carried out when the goods are already on board.
International Agreement
International treaties are held with the aim that regulations on issues of commercial law can be regulated uniformly by each national law of the participating countries that are bound by the international agreement. To be accepted and have binding legal force, the international agreement must be ratified by each country that is bound in the international agreement.
International agreements
A treaty is a bilateral agreement made by two countries only. For example a treaty made by World with America which regulates the granting of copyright protection which was then ratified through Presidential Decree No. 25 of 1989,
Convention is an agreement made by several countries. For example the Paris Convention which regulates brands.
Commercial Law Sources
Sources of commercial law are places where regulations regarding commercial law can be obtained. Some sources of commercial law are;
Criminal Code (KUHD)
KUHD regulates various engagements related to the development of the company's legal field. As a codified regulation, the KUHD still has shortcomings in which these deficiencies are regulated by other laws and regulations.
Civil Code (Civil Code)
In accordance with article 1 of the KUHD, the Civil Code becomes a source of commercial law as long as the KUHD does not regulate certain matters and certain things are regulated in the Civil Code in particular book III. It can be said that the Civil Code regulates examinations in general or for people in general. Whereas KUHD is more specifically aimed at the interests of traders.
Besides KUHD, there are still several other laws and regulations governing commercial law, including;
a) Law No 10 of 1998 concerning Banking
b) Law No. 1 of 1995 concerning Limited Liability Companies (PT)
c) Law No. 7 of 1987 concerning Copyright
d) Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Business Competition
e) Law No. 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets
Habits that are carried out continuously and uninterruptedly and have been accepted by the community in general and traders in particular, can also be used as a source of law in Commercial Law. This is in accordance with article 1339 of the Civil Code that an agreement is not only binding that is explicitly promised, but is also bound by customs that are in accordance with the agreement. For example about giving commissions, buying and selling in installments, and so on.
Agreement made by the parties
Based on article 1338 of the Civil Code it is stated that agreements made legally apply as a law for those who make them. In this case, the agreement, agreement or agreement plays a role for the parties. For example in article 1477 of the Civil Code which stipulates that as long as there is no other agreement, the handover takes place at the place where the goods are at the time the agreement occurs. For example, delivery of goods is agreed with the FOB (Free On Board) clause, then delivery of goods is carried out when the goods are already on board.
International Agreement
International treaties are held with the aim that regulations on issues of commercial law can be regulated uniformly by each national law of the participating countries that are bound by the international agreement. To be accepted and have binding legal force, the international agreement must be ratified by each country that is bound in the international agreement.
International agreements
A treaty is a bilateral agreement made by two countries only. For example a treaty made by World with America which regulates the granting of copyright protection which was then ratified through Presidential Decree No. 25 of 1989,
Convention is an agreement made by several countries. For example the Paris Convention which regulates brands.
Definition of Commerce in Commercial Law
Definition of Commerce in Commercial Law
Definition of Commerce
Commerce is a form of organization that is accepted and valid as a provider of services or goods, or both, to customers, commerce and royal entities. Commerce is the most important capitalist economy.
Many commercials are solely owned. A commerce is usually formed so that it can seek profits that will add to the wealth of the owner and enlarge the trade by itself. The controller and owner of a trade have one of the main objectives, namely the funding or acceptance of an authority in exchange for work and risk acceptance. Important exceptions include cooperation companies and state-owned companies. Commerce may also be formed to be without profit or turned into a state-owned company.
A term "commerce" has at least three uses, depending on the scope - one use (above) means of difference, general use as a reference to certain market actors, such as combined forms such as agribuiness and "musical commerce". However, the right kind of commerce, like everything else in the philosophy of commerce, is one of the most complicated or contentious terms.
Commercial Law According to Experts
According to Subekti
Commercial law is the law that regulates private relations between people as members of the community and a legal entity, including the government as a legal entity.
According to Achmad Ichsan
"Commercial law is the law governing trade matters, that is, problems arising from human behavior in commerce."
According to R. Soekardono
"Commercial law is part of civil law in general, which regulates the issue of agreements and agreements set out in book III Burgerlijke Wetboek (BW) in other words, trade hum is a set of rules governing someone with others in company activities that are mainly contained in the KUHD and KUHPdt codifications. Commercial law can also be formulated as a set of rules governing business or business and trade traffic. "
According to Fockema Andreae
"Trade law (Handelsrecht) is the entirety of the legal provisions concerning companies in trade traffic, the extent of which is regulated in the Criminal Code and several additional laws. In the Netherlands commercial law and civil law are made into one book, Book II in the new Dutch BW. "
According to H.M.N. Purwosutjipto
"Commercial law is an engagement law that arises specifically from a company field."
According to Sri Redjeki Hartono
"Commercial law in the conventional sense is part of the field of civil law or other agreements other than referred to as civil law in the broadest sense, referred to as commercial law are parts of civil law principles in general."
According to M. N. Tirtaamidjaja
"Commercial law is the law that regulates the behavior of people who participate in commerce. While commerce is the mediation between producers and consumers; buying and selling and making agreements that facilitate and advance the buying and selling. Even though the main source of commercial law is the KUHD, it cannot be separated from the KUHPdt
According to KRMT. Titodiningrat
"Commercial law is part of civil law that has rules regarding relationships based on company ats. Regulations regarding companies are not only found in the Commercial Law Code (KUHD) but also in the form of laws outside them. KUHD can be called as an expansion of KUHPdt.
Definition of Commerce
Commerce is a form of organization that is accepted and valid as a provider of services or goods, or both, to customers, commerce and royal entities. Commerce is the most important capitalist economy.
Many commercials are solely owned. A commerce is usually formed so that it can seek profits that will add to the wealth of the owner and enlarge the trade by itself. The controller and owner of a trade have one of the main objectives, namely the funding or acceptance of an authority in exchange for work and risk acceptance. Important exceptions include cooperation companies and state-owned companies. Commerce may also be formed to be without profit or turned into a state-owned company.
A term "commerce" has at least three uses, depending on the scope - one use (above) means of difference, general use as a reference to certain market actors, such as combined forms such as agribuiness and "musical commerce". However, the right kind of commerce, like everything else in the philosophy of commerce, is one of the most complicated or contentious terms.
Commercial Law According to Experts
According to Subekti
Commercial law is the law that regulates private relations between people as members of the community and a legal entity, including the government as a legal entity.
According to Achmad Ichsan
"Commercial law is the law governing trade matters, that is, problems arising from human behavior in commerce."
According to R. Soekardono
"Commercial law is part of civil law in general, which regulates the issue of agreements and agreements set out in book III Burgerlijke Wetboek (BW) in other words, trade hum is a set of rules governing someone with others in company activities that are mainly contained in the KUHD and KUHPdt codifications. Commercial law can also be formulated as a set of rules governing business or business and trade traffic. "
According to Fockema Andreae
"Trade law (Handelsrecht) is the entirety of the legal provisions concerning companies in trade traffic, the extent of which is regulated in the Criminal Code and several additional laws. In the Netherlands commercial law and civil law are made into one book, Book II in the new Dutch BW. "
According to H.M.N. Purwosutjipto
"Commercial law is an engagement law that arises specifically from a company field."
According to Sri Redjeki Hartono
"Commercial law in the conventional sense is part of the field of civil law or other agreements other than referred to as civil law in the broadest sense, referred to as commercial law are parts of civil law principles in general."
According to M. N. Tirtaamidjaja
"Commercial law is the law that regulates the behavior of people who participate in commerce. While commerce is the mediation between producers and consumers; buying and selling and making agreements that facilitate and advance the buying and selling. Even though the main source of commercial law is the KUHD, it cannot be separated from the KUHPdt
According to KRMT. Titodiningrat
"Commercial law is part of civil law that has rules regarding relationships based on company ats. Regulations regarding companies are not only found in the Commercial Law Code (KUHD) but also in the form of laws outside them. KUHD can be called as an expansion of KUHPdt.
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